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Crashed my Mavic Air 2, hardware failure?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2021
Sa Coma, Mallorca
Hello, yesterday I crashed my Mavic Air 2 into a light pole, and at first glance, it seems like it was 100% user error, but not quite so after I watched the video and the logs.
The drone fell to the ground from 1 meter height (crashed into the light pole sideways, when orbiting) and I was sure that there will be no damage from that height, I was wrong, when I walked up to the drone which was very close to me I saw the rear left arm destroyed, I have DJI Care Refresh Express and will be using it later this week, sending it to DJI for replacement.

However, what I want to clarify here is the drone's behavior after it crashed. It didn't turn off the motors at all, instead, they went to 100% power, at least by the sound it seemed so.
I crashed drones before and normally they shut down their motors to prevent damage, but mine didn't. It kept the motors at full power while upside down scratching the ground and making flips on the ground which is what I think destroyed it. At the moment when it hit the light pole it was going 5 km/h or slower, not enough to do any sort of damage from that height.

Yes, I tried CSC command, also tried left stick down... and nothing.
I attach the logs for further inspection:

...I crashed my Mavic Air 2 into a light pole, and at first glance, it seems like it was 100% user error, but not quite so after I watched the video and the logs.
The drone fell to the ground from 1 meter height... and I was sure that there will be no damage from that height, I was wrong.. I saw the rear left arm destroyed
Your description to what happened after you hit that light pole isn't fully correct ... it didn't just fall straight down from 1m height. The impact most probably damaged a prop causing a unbalanced rotational torque relationship between the 4 corners ... this made all motors to spin up to correct the uncommanded attitude change, but as one (or several corners) didn't produce thrust the FC command was doomed to fail. Instead your MA2 speeded away horizontally reaching a speed of nearly 28mph & rotated at the same time with approx. 309 degrees/sec... & it's this that easily snaps a leg & cause other HW damages.

...I crashed drones before and normally they shut down their motors to prevent damage, but mine didn't. It kept the motors at full power while upside down scratching the ground and making flips on the ground which is what I think destroyed it.
Have seen both scenarios in earlier incidents ... so the keyword is "normally they shut down". You could share the mobile device DAT log from the flight, it ends with FLY036.DAT... maybe some clues can be found there to why it didn't shut down the motors, even though I doubt it.
it didn't just fall straight down from 1m height.
I think it did, I found it just under the light pole, not at the last position in the logs. You can see that it goes into ATTI mode when it crashes, so GPS positioning info isn't accurate. The location I found it was the same as in the log at 8m 27s in the PhantomHelp link. So it did actually fall straight down.
You could share the mobile device DAT log from the flight, it ends with FLY036.DAT
I have logs synced with DJI Servers so I guess I will not find the file.
I think it did, I found it just under the light pole, not at the last position in the logs. You can see that it goes into ATTI mode when it crashes, so GPS positioning info isn't accurate. The location I found it was the same as in the log at 8m 27s in the PhantomHelp link. So it did actually fall straight down.

I have logs synced with DJI Servers so I guess I will not find the file.
Yeah ... the position & the IMU heading speed might very well be misleading (a lot of larger GPS/IMU velocity differences) ... but that doesn't affect the rotation, with one of the corners not giving thrust the craft will rotate with a high angular speed.

But nothing so far point to anything else than that it was the crash into the light pole that was the root cause of your MA2's damages.
@Yaros I think the drone was at a height of around 4.2m, 14ft, at the time 8:25.2? of the crash, look at the VPS height.
With regards to the CSC, you held the CSC position for 1.2 seconds.
I can not see an entry in the csv that records the CSC response setting but assuming it was left at the default, the decision of whether or not to stop the motors is up to the drone. It depends on whether or not the drone thought it had suffered an emergency, the question then becomes what constitutes an emergency and we do not know that.
If the CSC response was changed to anytime or always then the CSC position must be held for at least 1.7 second (experiments with a Mavic Mini and Mini 2).
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... I think the drone was at a height of around 4.2m, 14ft, at the time 8:25.2? of the crash, look at the VPS height.
The last reliable VPS height reading was 9,2ft (2,8m), just at the time where yaw,pitch & roll became disturbed due to making contact with the light pole. After that the craft quickly turned upside down making any VPS readings invalid while rotating nearly a full turn /second... & touching down on a hard surface. Nothing mysterious with that a leg got damaged.

Thanks for the clarification and log inspection.
Will be more careful when orbiting an object next time ;)
Also will send the drone to DJI Care Refresh Express this week and hope they will replace it.

A question: Do you know which shipping company is best to send it to DJI from Spain to the Netherlands?
Oh, and another one: How do I get DJI Care Refresh on the replaced drone?
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