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Follow Me mode debate - controller or device GPS??


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
I was under the impression that Follow Me mode works by the quad locking in to the GPS signal on the device used (smartphone, etc). I was using this mode with my ipad mini 2 with wifi only (no cellular network - hense no GPS). Question is, it seemed to work fine in spite of this so maybe the quad does lock in with the controller. Any thoughts?
Yes, Follow Me requires GPS on your mobile device. Are you sure you weren't using ActiveTrack?
Yes, 100% positive I was NOT using active track. I've used that function many times before and it requires the green box be drawn around the subject. I was using Follow Me and it worked great - just was wondering how it could have followed me when using an ipad mini wifi only model - it must lock to the controller is my only conclusion.
it must lock to the controller is my only conclusion
You are correct. It does lock onto the mobile device's GPS location.

Are you 100% sure you have a Wi-Fi only iPad Mini model? What's the model number on the back of your iPad Mini?
I left it at my office so cannot check that info but wifi model (like mine) does not have a sim card slot.
Yes, 100% positive I was NOT using active track. I've used that function many times before and it requires the green box be drawn around the subject. I was using Follow Me and it worked great - just was wondering how it could have followed me when using an ipad mini wifi only model - it must lock to the controller is my only conclusion.
Something makes me think I read that follow me mode follows the RF signals from the controller, so you have to be sure you have the antennae aligned correctly, however I can not find anything in the literature that backs me up so... hum. And everything I am reading contradicts this so.. I am going with GPS on device.
Yes, I read that from the manual as well - hence the contradiction in my results. Does anyone know which flight intelligent modes are available when flying in wifi mode? Perhaps this could clear things up.
Does anyone know which flight intelligent modes are available when flying in wifi mode?
All but Follow Me will work on a Wi-Fi only device.
wifi model (like mine) does not have a sim card slot.
I have two cellular iPad Mini models. Neither of them have sim card slots.
That's possible, yes. I did have my iphone 7 with me at the time. How can I tell if it's 'tethered' and does this feature mean that my wifi tablet can act as if it DOES have cellular (GPS) when near an iphone?
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I have two cellular iPad Mini models. Neither of them have sim card slots.
This is from the Apple forum:
You do not need a SIM to access GPS although you do need to have an iPad that has a SIM slot. WiFi only iPads do not have GPS. Some mapping apps require a data connection to download the maps. You DO need a SIM to access GSM.
Which would be better for someone moving pretty good distance? Active track or follow me? Looking to shoot some footage following my boat
That's possible, yes. I did have my iphone 7 with me at the time. How can I tell if it's 'tethered' and does this feature mean that my wifi tablet can act as if it DOES have cellular (GPS) when near an iphone?

Were you sharing your data connection from your phone to your tablet to download maps? That is tethered. The personal hotspot in settings.
I'll check into that but I thought personal hotspot feature was only for using your phone for internet access when no wifi hotspots are available.

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