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Greetings from a Photographer and Performer


Premium Pilot
Nov 20, 2024
Chadds Ford, PA, USA
Hello all! I own a small entertainment company in Malvern, Pennsylvania. We put on giant bubble shows set to music at public events, schools and private parties. I am also a professional photographer.

This summer, I met a drone pilot flying a DJI Mini 3 taking aerial video of the event where I was performing. We talked awhile and I later decided that aerial photography might be a great way to expand my skill set as a photographer and also expand our business. I took the T.R.U.S.T. exam and ordered a DJI Mini 4 Pro. I also ordered a few cheap practice drones from I figured that way I could practice basic maneuvers with no fear of crashing. I also started studying for the FAA Part 7 professional UAS certificate.

I practiced with my micro drones, took lessons and waited for my M4P. And waited. The shipment arrived at JFK and was returned to Hong Kong. DJI was very nice about it and re-shipped my order. That one is still stuck in customs at JFK. A third shipment finally did arrive and I am now the proud pilot of a Mini 4 Pro at last. On the other hand, I ordered an extra battery on a separate order. That arrived in two days.

Any advice for a beginner pilot flying such an advanced drone? And has anyone else in the US had problems with customs?

Clear Skies and Safe Flying!
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Read the manual. then go to you tube and watch a few Videos about your Drone, It's settings etc...when you create your DJI account WRITE down your password on paper and keep it somewhere (seriously). Don't take off in the yard without a pad! Treat your Batteries like they are pets and never forget them and give them attention from time to time.
Finally When you first start flying leave it in the slowest mode and get used to slowly moving it around. Stay away from stuff for now. Fly SAFE and be courteous to those around you.
If this will be an extension of your photography business you will be needing a commercial ticket. May I recommend Pilot institute. You will save Time, Money, and lots of aggravation. They know their stuff and you WILL pass with them.
Enjoy the Drone.
Forgot to add
Don't fly the screen Fly the Drone you can start looking at the screen later in fact try your best to simply watch the Drone then you can move to the map view from there once you know how to fly the Drone and do it with Map view THEN you are ready to look at the screen with camera view from time to time while you fly.
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Read the manual. then go to you tube and watch a few Videos about your Drone, It's settings etc...when you create your DJI account WRITE down your password on paper and keep it somewhere (seriously). Don't take off in the yard without a pad! Treat your Batteries like they are pets and never forget them and give them attention from time to time.
Finally When you first start flying leave it in the slowest mode and get used to slowly moving it around. Stay away from stuff for now. Fly SAFE and be courteous to those around you.
If this will be an extension of your photography business you will be needing a commercial ticket. May I recommend Pilot institute. You will save Time, Money, and lots of aggravation. They know their stuff and you WILL pass with them.
Enjoy the Drone.
Forgot to add
Don't fly the screen Fly the Drone you can start looking at the screen later in fact try your best to simply watch the Drone then you can move to the map view from there once you know how to fly the Drone and do it with Map view THEN you are ready to look at the screen with camera view from time to time while you fly.
All great advice, thank you! I do have a tiny head start, though.

Instructions and videos, check. Landing pad, check (got one after a mishap). Part 107 school, check but I'm using Drone Pilot Ground School (UAV Coach). I started an account with the FAA Drone Zone and registered my drones. I've also got UAV Forecast and AutoPylot installed on my phone so I can check weather and airspace and get LAANC approvals if needed.

I'm planning a test flight of the Mini 4 Pro, but just to make sure everything is working. Then it's back to practicing with my cheap drones. (All registered.) That's what I started with and none of them has a camera that you can fly with (too much lag). So I've been flying line-of-sight for a few weeks now. Besides, you're not supposed to fly by the screen without a spotter, right? I'm pretty sure that was a test question on the T.R.U.S.T. exam...

My biggest problem is years of playing video games! I'm 56 and have been playing games since I was a teenager. Game controllers tend to have movement controls on the left stick and other stuff on the right. Now I have to get used to movement being on the right stick and throttle/rotate on the left. I'm OK so far with slow, steady flights and basic maneuvers. The problem is that if anything goes wrong, my instincts are to use the wrong bloody sticks. I just need a couple dozen more flight hours...

I've quit playing games until I can nail this. I want to be completely comfortable with the controls before I start really using my new Mini 4 Pro. Wish me luck!
Any advice for a beginner pilot flying such an advanced drone?

Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. We have a Member's Map in the Upper Right of the Title Bar. Click on "Members" and then Click on "Member's Map…" Check it out and you might find some new flying friends.

Since you live in Pennsulvania , there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check the link below for all the Rules and Laws that are in effect in your neck of the woods and it also links you to some of the Best Places to Fly in your area… Also, if you travel on vacation, visit friends, and relatives in other parts of the country, check back here so you do not run afoul of the law.

Even if you have flown Drones before, here is some Good Old Fashion Advice…

You paid a lot of money for that Drone, put your phone number on it. If your drone gets lost or stuck in a tree and it finally comes down when you are not around, give the finders an opportunity to contact you so it can be returned.

Now, for the Fun Part, But do not let the excitement of the moment get the best of you. When you are going out to fly, do it slowly and deliberately. Get used to a set procedure and even practice it.

There are so many things I could write but these are the highlights that I feel need mentioning.

Plug in your phone/tablet into your controller; turn on the Controller and DJI Fly App (if it does not start on its own…). On the Drone, open the front legs, then open the back legs, then remove the Gimbal Cover.

The Gimbal is the most delicate item on the Drone and banging or bumping can damage it. I also fastened a short "Remove Before Flight" ribbon to the cover so it's more noticeable and I do not forget to remove it…

Turn on the drone and watch it come to "life." Watching the Gimbal go through its self-check is almost like watching a puppy or kitten opening its eyes for the first time…

Place the drone down (preferably on a Landing Pad) while it finishes its self-test (collecting satellites, etc…).

Check your battery status (Phone, Drone, and Controller), check the Signal Strength, by now the Controller should have reported it updated the Home Point.

Lift off, 6- feet (2-meters) or so, hover a bit, check the controls (move the drone a bit forward, back, left, right, yaw left and right). By now, your Controller will probably report again, Home point Updated.

If you go out in a rush and race thru your start up and take off before the drone has finished it prep, it may update its Home Point over that pond or that old tree you are flying over and in your excitement, you'll fly the drone long past it Low Battery point and when it engages Return to Home and lands in the pond or in a tree; it will be all on you…

Now go have fun, learn to fly the drone by sight before you try to fly it out a distance depending on the video feed, FPV.

I would also advise you to use YouTube and watch a lot of the Videos on flying and setting up the Drone. When it is too dark, too cold, or too wet, you can "fly it vicariously" through YouTube. Also watch some of the Blooper Drone Videos and learn how not to fly your "New Baby."

Below is the link to all of the downloads offered by DJI for the Mini 4 Pro, including the User Manual.

After you read the Manual, read it again, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first "scary moment…"

Fly On and Fly Safe…
my instincts are to use the wrong bloody sticks.
A video game Background is actually quite handy in time..Flying a camera Drone in modes is very Different than "Flying" a Drone. You are not really controlling the Drone as much as just moving its position in the air while in a mode. If you ever decide to fly a Drone in ACRO or Manual you will see what I mean.
like any RC, Use very slight movements when controlling the Drone.
DO NOT rely on O.A. Its a Nice "feature" only.
Welcome to the forum @JonesB17! :)
Any advice for a beginner pilot flying such an advanced drone?
After flying many DJI consumer drones since 2016 (I own most all of them), here's what I recommend you do (at the minimum) to get started with your DJI drone:
  • Skip buying a non-DJI practice drone and start with any of the DJI consumer drones (ideally the model you'll be flying most). While it's true DJI makes one of the most expensive consumer drones, you likely won't learn much about your DJI drones by flying drones made by other manufacturers. And then you'll be back to square one again when you finally decide to ditch the practice drone and start flying a DJI drone.

  • Before attempting to fly, watch some videos on to learn more about your drone. Search for something like "Mini 2 Beginner's Guide" (replace "Mini 2" with your drone model).

  • Read the DJI manual (available in the "Products" section of the DJI Download Center) from beginning to end (maybe a few times). You're certainly not going to remember everything, but it'll give you a good understanding of the available features and capabilities of your drone. And then you can go back to the manual or YouTube videos when you need to take a deeper dive into a specific topic.

  • Before flying in the US, you must register your drone with the FAA (if it weighs 250 grams or more) and take the free online TRUST test (I like this one).

  • When flying in the US, your drone must broadcast RID if it weighs 250 grams or more (or is registered with the FAA). Many DJI drones (especially the newer models) have that feature built into them. If you're ever flying a drone that does not broadcast RID (meaning it's not on this list), then you'll need to attach an external RID module like the Holy Stone or Ruko RID module.

  • Don't power on your drone or take off when within about 20 feet of any magnetic metal objects (like your car or rebar in concrete sidewalks). See more on compass interference in this compass calibration guide.

  • Before taking off, always review the drone settings in DJI Fly (or the app you're using) to ensure everything is set as expected. If you do plan on flying near any obstacles, ensure the RTH altitude is set properly in case your drone needs to automatically return back to the home point mid-flight.

  • Never take off before DJI Fly (or the app you're using to fly) audibly mentions or shows the home point has been set. The drone will attempt to fly back to the home point location automatically if it loses connection with the remote controller, so it's crucial to ensure that location has been set prior to takeoff.

  • DJI drones have a lot of awesome automated flight features. Use them with caution and never assume they are always going to function as expected (always be ready to take control if needed).

  • Sensors are great and they can help prevent your drone from crashing into obstacles. They are not foolproof though. Never rely on them 100% or assume they are going to work perfectly in all flight conditions -- or react the same way when flying in similar conditions from past flights.

  • Find a flat, wide open place to practice (free of people, trees, and all other obstacles). It's pretty hard to crash a DJI drone into the ground, so you'll likely have the best success if that's your only obstacle. Continue flying in this location (or similar locations) until you're able to control your drone without thinking about it (like riding a bike).

  • Make sure you can easily see your drone at all times (required by law in most countries). After removing all nearby obstacles, nearly everyone who crashes/loses a drone is either not watching it with their eyes or cannot clearly see where it's located.

  • The screen is chock-full of great information. Use it as a reference (sparingly) as you do when looking at your dashboard while driving a car. It's also a great tool for framing the perfect photo or getting your drone in just the right spot before hitting record. If you're mostly staring at the screen while flying, you'll probably have no idea where your drone is located.

  • Don't fly in sport mode until you're comfortable controlling your drone. You don't want to get into a situation where you need to maneuver quickly and aren't quite sure which stick to move (another reason not to practice near obstacles).

  • DJI batteries require special care that is unlike other batteries you commonly use. To prevent any damage to your DJI batteries, follow the tips in this DJI battery maintenance & storage guide.

  • DJI drones record a lot of useful information in the TXT flights. The logs are helpful for things like troubleshooting issues you experienced during a flight, locating a lost drone, and many other things. The TXT files can be found on your phone/tablet or remote controller (if it has a screen). See these instructions for more details. And then you'll need a tool like my free online DJI log viewer or Flight Reader (keeps your flight logs offline) to decrypt and access/view the data within.

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