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How do watch your 4K drone footage on your 4K tv’s?

I copy the .mp4 files to my Synology NAS and play them on my Samsung UHD TV. The TV has a built-in network client which works just fine.
A little update from me - I found out where to change the file format of the videos, and apparently it was already set as MP4. Guess my TV is the problem, which just won't play them. But the PS4 Pro does, so I can easily live with that, and save myself the trouble of switching my Apple TV4 to a TV4K. And the 16 GB videofile that the PS4 wouldn't show in the list of videos wasn't there, because THAT one was in .MOV format, thanks to iMovie. The next step was to find out how to make iMovie save a file in MP4 instead of MOV, so my devices could read it. Just had to select "high" as the quality and the file was automatically saved as MP4, and the file went from 16 GB to 865 MB, without any loss of quality from what I can see on the big screen through the PS4. Truly amazing this all is!
Thanks for all your inputs, greatly appreciated them. Happy flying!
How do you transfer the 4k videos to ps4? Do you use a usb stick?
Hi guys
Please bear with me as I only ha e L plates at present. The question is a big one and the answers are many and varied. I have a 4k LG LED TV and am using LSDC Editor and the only way to play the Mavic Pro footage is at 1080 HD using mp4 and pulling the bit rate way down to around 4000. Are there and real answers to making this work as one would think it should?
Hi there.

I’m having a bit of a problem with how I’m gonna play my 4K drone footage on my 65” 4K TV. The TV is an LG Smart TV running WebOS 3.5 I think it is.
The tv doesn’t support the MOV-format, which means the only way I can think of watching it, is through a 4K Apple TV or my PS4 Pro which I haven’t tried yet.

YouTube isn’t an option for me, because of the decreasing in video quality when uploading it. I want to see the original file.

So I thought I’d ask: How do you other guys play it?
Why. are you recording your flight on mov if you dont lie it? The settings on yourDJI app will allow you to record in mp4. It doesnt matter to me, but my problem is similar. If I record in actual Vizio 4k TV wont play it accurately. I think it has to do with the "middle man" my Mac Mini. I copy from my cip to my Mac. SOmetimes Linux, but it doesnt seem to matter. Now If I plug chip directy into the 65" plays decent, but then I cant edit etc. I get fantastic results at 720. Or even if I step down to the 3000 (something I forget ) I just dont think the human eye is that **** good. I watch movies in 720 all day long and they look fantastic. Granted if it is supposed to work on 4k, it should. You have a good TV, so it should loo OK. Chek in your settings next time you "fly" its on the same page where you pick 4k etc. I know its there because I m looking at a directory right now where I have both. I just drag the mov to itunes and forget about it.
How do you transfer the 4k videos to ps4? Do you use a usb stick?
Let me reccomend to anyone who has difficulties with formats etc. Handbreak......It is a shareware app that is available in Linux, WIndows, Mac. It is "wunnerful". It will convert, crop, add audio, add subtitles!..If you are like me and you download Russsian movies from Youtube....With my home videos I use it for any number of things. Muc easier to operate than VLC. But converting formats from your gaming formats, mp4, mov childsplay. It is free.
I don't know the difference between what you have and what I have, but my LG can play 4k perfectly off of a thumb drive. I would suggest trying a different thumb drive. I don't know if they are rated like sd cards are, but that might be the issue.
Of course direct from thumb drive isno problem, but I choose to do post flight editing. I am rarely satisfied with the video as it comes direct from the Drone. I transfer my stuff to my computers.
Use Plex. Even supports UHD HDR if properly configured.
I’m having problems playing my drone videos on Plex (buffering of about 30 seconds before start and sometimes buffering during playback). It seems to be to do with the file format/size - have you any thoughts please?
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