If it's not fake that Mavic was heavily modified

His altitude is going up at about 50m/s so he would have to be traveling at roughly 112 MPH in that video.
Of course if you ask him he will say it's time lapsed. So lets do the Math.
Mavic max Ascent speed in sports mode is 5m/s
Mavic max Descent speed is 3m/s
4200 / 5m = 840 seconds or 14 Minutes to Ascend
4200 / 3m = 1400 seconds or 23 Minutes to Descend
Total round trip time = 37 Minutes
Assuming he neutralized the height limits he would still have to have two battery packs to make that flight. Is it possible, considering the extra weight is probably going to slow down the Mavic to 3m/s going up? At that point the flight might take 46 minutes. Yeah lots of problems that don't make it seem possible.