Soo.. Succes-ish!
Last Saturday i launched my Mavic Pro from a moving vessel and went okay.
I applied my propguards but somehow it took off and within a few centimeters dropt back on deck again with these on. Couldn't find anything strange so tried again, same thing. Took them off and launched into the air.
We were doing 16kts (+/- 30km/h) so keeping up in normal fly mode was hard. So flown around in sport mode, switched to normal when i wanted to film, and move back in front of the vessel again in sport mode. This resulted obviously in less flight time.
Now the landing... Well.. Since the drone prefers landing vertical (level) and i had to keep up with the vessel whilst descending this was hard. Since in normal mode i could just not keep up and didn't have the quick responses of sport mode if i had to abort the landing...
So landing in sport mode, whilst flying forward, and manoeuvre it from the seaside to the deck on a relatively small area without containers, resulted in multiple attempts after which the battery drained more and more so i just had to land it. Because of the angle it made whilst flying forward, the props hit the deck, tumbled over and crashed into a container.. Battery popped out, all props shattered. But! Replaced to props, turned it on again with a fresh battery. No issue's notable! Haven't flown it yet but it seems okay!
So.. Landing on a relatively fast going vessel.. Tricky to no doable at all imho. Taking of is not much trouble, just fly away and up immediately!