Hello guys.
Well we're in late 2019 and I just bought a Mavic Pro Platinum. And I can say that some of the shots disappointed me. Of course it was far better than my old Phantom 3 but the dark areas of my footage were grainy. Fast (on a low altitude) camera movements made some ugly things in the shadows(the very detailed sand on the beach).
On the other hand, some of my shots (a little bit over-exposed) were excellent.
This is when I started to find forums like this one and see that everybody have the same issue.
As a first try ith this drone, I was in D-Log / 0-0-0 / 100 ISO / 4K30.
At first I read that the best setting is to have your sharpness to +1. But now it seems that your sharpness should be at -1 (or even -2), to reduce noise in the shadows, then add sharpness in post.
But I also hear people saying that D-Log increases noise (and shouldn't be used at all), and using D-Cinelike is better. Is it true ?
Should I consider going for -1 -1 -1 with D-Cinelike (with a little bit of over-exposition ?) ? Or should I stay with my D-Log. Everybody is saying different things.
Las but not least, the 4k footage has more noise than the 2.7k, everybody is thinking the same thing on that point.
Although I'm actually going to test myself every conbination , and give you my results. Hope I'm gonna find my way.
So my question is, does someone have finally find good settings for the Mavic Pro ? If so, what are they ? -1 ? +1 ? D-Log ? D-Cinelike ? 2.7k ? 24pfs ?
Sorry for my poor english