Well I just got the notification for DJI Go and the firmware. Updated Go on the ipad no probs, connected everything up as normal and got told there was a no fly zone update so I started that. about 5 mins later it times out on 0% downloaded, so i gave up. Then it tells me there is a firmware update to 01.04.0000 so I say yep, go ahead. Same deal, 5 mins later it times out downloading at 0% (this is done via wifi on the ipad, same way as all my updates have been done, on a 100mb/s connection).
So I give up and grab the laptop (the one I edit the 4k videos on) and connect up Assistant. Yep, first up a no fly zone update is flagged so I go yes please. 20 mins later its still stuck on 22% so I shut it all down and start again. This time I ignored the NFZ update and went straight for the firmware. No probs, it downloaded (in about 12 min) the transferred to the Mavic (about 3 minutes) then updated (about 9 minutes) and reboots, all good.
Now the NFZ is nagging me again (on Assistant) so I say why not and this time it worked fine. Rebooted and double checked on Assistant and all up to date. Reconnect controller and DJI Go (after rebooting ipad) and its telling me there is still an urgent NFZ and 01.04.0000 firmware update that needs to be done. WTF???
The problem would not go away then I noticed the controller is still on the old firmware 01.03.1000 so I tried the update via the iPad on wifi again and again, rebooting and disconnecting everything between each try and was about to give up when the 4th time it actually started downloading and is currently updating the whole system again.
So if the update is done via DJI Assistant 2 does it not update the controller too?
EDIT2: All updates now completed, first the Mavic via Assistant, then the Mavic, Controller and NFZ database all by GO4.