I thought it would be nice with a wishlist for the Next Gen BT-300 
Here is my wish list:
1. Make new "computer" backwards compatible with current glasses - so you could maybe buy a faster "main computer" and keep glasses if you wanted to. I do find the current "computer" very slow - so I would probably buy a faster model - but I would not be amused if I had to buy all the accessories again - like prescription glasses & Rochester enclosure etc just because a designer thought a better look would be great. (Unless it gets adjustable PD of course - then I would upgrade it all right away)
2. Find a better track-pad/navigation solution - the current track-pad is absolutely a PITA
3. Deliver a Docking station with storage option (SD Card or USB3?) - so you can setup and configure on normal screen with keyboard and mouse.
Have an SD card in Dock for fast "restore" to a "standard configuration" - select a "device image" - and go! - That would also help in commercial settings like museums etc. need to keep an amount of devices with same configurations. Of course there should be a way to generate an Image for distribution as well.
4. IF glasses part gets updated - make it possible to move the view field - maybe up and down? That would increase usability if you could use it by looking down and then you would not have the optical distortion in the middle of your sight field.(So hinged optical) - if I'm looking at a repair project - maybe having the datasheet below my main/central field of vision would help?
5. Glasses - make PD adjustment possible.
6. Glasses - make double tap to blank less hardcore. Now I look like a moron when trying to double tap the glasses to "mute" the screen. Real buttons do also work quite well..... I love my Bose QC35 headset among other reasons because it has REAL BUTTONS. So I can turn on / off - increase / decrease volume without funny "touch commands" - my "muscle memory" knows where the buttons are.
so what do everybody else like to see in future generations of BT-300?

Here is my wish list:
1. Make new "computer" backwards compatible with current glasses - so you could maybe buy a faster "main computer" and keep glasses if you wanted to. I do find the current "computer" very slow - so I would probably buy a faster model - but I would not be amused if I had to buy all the accessories again - like prescription glasses & Rochester enclosure etc just because a designer thought a better look would be great. (Unless it gets adjustable PD of course - then I would upgrade it all right away)
2. Find a better track-pad/navigation solution - the current track-pad is absolutely a PITA
3. Deliver a Docking station with storage option (SD Card or USB3?) - so you can setup and configure on normal screen with keyboard and mouse.
Have an SD card in Dock for fast "restore" to a "standard configuration" - select a "device image" - and go! - That would also help in commercial settings like museums etc. need to keep an amount of devices with same configurations. Of course there should be a way to generate an Image for distribution as well.
4. IF glasses part gets updated - make it possible to move the view field - maybe up and down? That would increase usability if you could use it by looking down and then you would not have the optical distortion in the middle of your sight field.(So hinged optical) - if I'm looking at a repair project - maybe having the datasheet below my main/central field of vision would help?
5. Glasses - make PD adjustment possible.
6. Glasses - make double tap to blank less hardcore. Now I look like a moron when trying to double tap the glasses to "mute" the screen. Real buttons do also work quite well..... I love my Bose QC35 headset among other reasons because it has REAL BUTTONS. So I can turn on / off - increase / decrease volume without funny "touch commands" - my "muscle memory" knows where the buttons are.
so what do everybody else like to see in future generations of BT-300?