I just called the FAA and spoke with Brandon (who works at their service desk for drones). I asked him about recreational/hobbyist users of drones and the registration requirements for them. He said that multiple people can fly the same drone without all being registered. He said if you sell the drone, you cancel your registration (and the new person should register it).
I asked Brandon about what the requirements are if someone who does not own a drone and is not registered borrows your drone and flies it. Brandon said he needed to get guidance on that question and put me on hold. After a minute or two, he came back on the line and told me that if the registered owner of a drone is not present, the flier who is using/borrowing the drone should have the registration card from the owner of the drone with him (though it will not have the borrower's name on it, of course).
Next, I asked Brandon if a drone user who does not own a drone needs to be registered, and he said no. I then asked him if it is even possible for a drone user who frequently flies drones (for recreational purposes), but does not own a drone, to register. Brandon said no, that people registering are there for the purpose of registering drones, and if they don't have a drone, they should not be registering.
That is from a staff member at the FAA. Are you now going to tell me that you know better than the AMA
and FAA,
@ac0j? You are accusing me of being unreasonable and spreading false information, but that is, in fact, exactly what you are doing.