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Review temp law on drone ban in National Parks

Do you support a conversation about drone flight in National Parks

  • Heck Yes

    Votes: 133 85.3%
  • No Way

    Votes: 23 14.7%

  • Total voters
    156 This is actually the one regulation that I'm OK with, as much as I'd like to get some great shots in the parks I don't want idiots flying all around the Grand Canyon etc when I'm out there hiking..
The Grand Canyon is massive. I'm sure that something reasonable could be accomplished. Definitely not just open season. I'm all about the serenity too but dang, it'd be nice to get an opportunity to film some of these wonders of nature.
The Grand Canyon is massive. I'm sure that something reasonable could be accomplished. Definitely not just open season. I'm all about the serenity too but dang, it'd be nice to get an opportunity to film some of these wonders of nature.
Have you met the general public? Just look around this forum at the posts from some of the new fliers and those are still way more involved with the hobby than an average owner of a drone..

Last time I was out there I had to politely ask three different teenagers to use their headphones if they want to listen to music and not just blast it out loud on speaker... people just don't care or possibly don't even realize how inconsiderate they are.
Make it a process.That sorts out a lot of the issue people. And have reasonable thoughtful conversation rather than just taking your ball and going home. Nothing gets accomplished like that.
Have you met the general public? Just look around this forum at the posts from some of the new fliers and those are still way more involved with the hobby than an average owner of a drone..
Logable hours?
Have you met the general public? Just look around this forum at the posts from some of the new fliers and those are still way more involved with the hobby than an average owner of a drone..

Last time I was out there I had to politely ask three different teenagers to use their headphones if they want to listen to music and not just blast it out loud on speaker... people just don't care or possibly don't even realize how inconsiderate they are.
I was a pizza franchisee with many many interactions with thousands of people and hundreds of employees. I know. That's why you put a process in place.
Here's my thoughts. I don't ***** about something unless I'm going to contribute to a solution.
1. Logable hours minimum with no blatant missteps. Present flight logs for verification.
2. Age restriction.
3. Designate periods or dates of the year. If more sign up and are approved than the agreed number of drones, have a drawing. On these days make it known that drones in limited amounts will be flying. If people still attend, they have no beef.
4. Present flight log to get back a security deposit.

Seems like it could work.
Odd, nonsensical response. I never said you did.

I said it, and I'll say it again: This is a horrible idea that will give this hobby a black eye.
If you read my post or petition you would see that I asked for a review of the current temporary law. Not to remove it to accomplish your statement of "Hobbyists buzzing drones"
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There's a simple reason this idea is DOA.. the last thing the NPS needs right now is to have to dedicate resources that are being taken away from them to a process that will benefit a very small minority of their visitors and be a nuisance to everyone else (i.e. their source of income). Let them live.
If you read my post or petition you would see that I asked for a review of the current temporary law. Not to remove it to accomplish your statement of "Hobbyists buzzing drones"
The implications of why you want the ban reviewed are clear. Don't be disingenuous and pretend otherwise.
Me too, that's part of the pond scum elimination process to help improve reputation of the hobby.
No one cares whether the pilots are experienced or not, or "pond scum." All the background checks in the world won't do anything to eliminate the annoyance of the sound of a bunch of drones flying around national parks while people are trying to enjoy themselves.

We already have the black eye. If we don't try something, who thinks change will come?

Turning drones loose at Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone or any other national park certainly isn't the other thing to try.
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Why don't you start a poll to gauge the opinion here? You may want to change the thread title to something actually relevant so that people find it and see what happens. If anything, the opinion here should be heavily skewed towards supporting the idea.. and if it isn't here, it certainly won't be anywhere else.
Like I said earlier. I'm a business man. There is a definitive formula for success in business, which is what this could be. The only part of the plan that I would place doubt in would be the government being involved. That being said, maybe it could be privatized with oversight.
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