describe for me what those areas are so I understand what I’ve been missing out on.
Just a teaser or two… It's more fun when you discover these Bonus options on your own…
In my case, I live in a very controlled Airspace area… I live in a Zero Altitude Quadrant as it is only 4-miles from an Air Force Base. Only a Part 107 licensed pilot can get an authorization to fly in a Zero Altitude Zone… Before I acquired my Part 107, I could not even fly in my own back yard… With my part 107, I routinely get 3-month authorizations… I jokingly say, I live in a "Drone Taxi Zone" as my neighbors who also have drones cannot fly here… Note that my location places me almost dead center between the base and an airport and depending on whether I am in my front yard or back yard determines what warnings I get on my Fly App…
Besides the AF Base just SE of me, I have an International Airport just a few mile NW of me and about once a month, Air Force One and Air Force Two, fly down here and practice Touch and Goes at the Airport…
Next, when you apply for a LAANC authorization, only a Part 107 Licensed Pilot can get a Night Time Authorization, a Rec Pilot cannot get a Night Time Authorization…
Now that I've teased you, visit various places that do not allow Drones and explain that you are a licensed drone pilot making a professional film and ask permission to fly there and you might be surprised to learn that they might even have suggestions of some especially nice locations…