The biggest reason NOT to make like a journalist and try and cover riots with video or a drone is that Journalists are employed to do it, are insured to do it and have back up You don't have that.. You will need support as in some parts of the world the press are specifically targeted.
A few years ago in Gaza and the West Bank, also Syria the problem for photo/journalists was snipers. I know two journalists who were hit. One is dead the other will never work again,
In the current US situation it is less dangerous than the Middle East but (as is being discussed by Journalists globally) it is still dangerous. It would be very remiss of me not to post this.
Dozens of journalists attacked and arrested at US George Floyd protests
Note it is not all the police. Some of it is the rioters and there are in any riot lots of groups with different agendas. Last night in St Louis there were shots fired at the police. Anyone who is capable of doing that won't think twice about shooting some one with a camera videoing them.
Unless journalism is your profession and you are insured with an employer who will pay you whilst you are in hospital DO NOT go to a Riot to video (with or without a drone) Facebook likes and a few $$$ off YouTube are not worth dying for (or being disabled for life).
If you want excitement read the about these highly regarded and much celebrated photo journalists the Bang Bang Club who covered civil unrest in South Africa (3/4 of them are dead or disabled ) or Rory Peck's story (he's dead) or about Tim Heatherington (he's dead) or Marie Colvin (she's dead) There is a pattern there and they knew what they were doing.
Think about it.