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Why 2.7K is the best. (for me)


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2017
Hey All!
Here is a quick Apple based visual aid of their resolutions including the Mavic Pro and the Mavic 2 Pro.
Highlighted in red are the ones I use most frequently.
I film in 2.7k because I rarely crop my footage.
Also, it saves SO much space shooting in a lower resolution.
As most people (0ver 60%) view the internet on their mobile devices these days, I feels it's okay to shoot in a lower res.
What are your thoughts? would love to hear feedback.


Photo Dimensions_New.jpg
I agree with your premise and assumptions and the size of files does increase exponentially in practice. However, the viewing device must be considered (as you did). I shoot the highest resolution I can get when I’m going to display the file on my 60” TV.
I agree with your premise and assumptions and the size of files does increase exponentially in practice. However, the viewing device must be considered (as you did). I shoot the highest resolution I can get when I’m going to display the file on my 60” TV.
You must have a 4K tv then... I can only wish..
I live in a tiny home :)
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No, it’s a 7 y/o plasma with an emulator... it doesn’t use pixels since it’s plasma... but that’s for another forum.
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What are your thoughts? would love to hear feedback.


View attachment 62333

Another advantage for shooting in 2.7K on the Mavic 2 Pro, is it can provide the ability to shoot at 60fps frame rate. Allows a bit of flexibility if you want to slow the footage down a little. Although this will mean you will be again using more storage space if that’s what you’re concerned with.

TIP Want to watch a ‘Slow-mo’ preview of your footage on a Mac using QuickTime?
Use this keyboard shortcut: while the clip is playing, hold down K+L
Frame rates are available on the Platinum also up to 1000’s... iso 100 and frame rate of 50 or 60 will seem more realistic due to motion blur. May need filters to stop down on a bright day. Point is that the slower frame rate is visually more pleasing to most. It can be viewed slower also. If you intend to use slo-mo shoot at higher frame rate to accomplish the task suggested.
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On the MP1, 2.7K has less noise than 4K.
2.7K is a sharp image.
I bounce back and forth trying various resolutions and frame rates.
I would definitely use 2.7K with 60 fps for the sharp smoothness. Right now, I'm using 1080p with 60 fps as that is the only resolution with 60fps on the MP1.
1080p is ok. obviously it's not as detailed, but I think it looks more natural.
Another advantage for shooting in 2.7K on the Mavic 2 Pro, is it can provide the ability to shoot at 60fps frame rate. Allows a bit of flexibility if you want to slow the footage down a little. Although this will mean you will be again using more storage space if that’s what you’re concerned with.

TIP Want to watch a ‘Slow-mo’ preview of your footage on a Mac using QuickTime?
Use this keyboard shortcut: while the clip is playing, hold down K+L

This is why I've been using 2.7k for video. In case I want to have some good slow motion, 60fps is handy. Plus, I doubt most people, if any can actually tell the difference between a 2.7k and a 4k video.

I'm sure I could do just fine using 1080p and an even higher frame rate but I'm a tech geek, so the higher number is the better to use, right? :)
What I like about shooting in 4K is the cushion it gives me to be able to crop in and zoom during editing and still maintain quality when outputting to 1080p.
It all depends on what your final delivery is to be. For everyday, hobbyist use then whatever resolution works in your workflow is the right resolution to use. However, if you are shooting with professional or possibly broadcast intentions, it's worth considering the technical aspects of the different resolutions as shot by the M2P, as that may prove critical to how you can use your footage. The M2P is the ONLY consumer level drone that shoots true broadcast acceptable footage. Not even the P4Pv2 does that. The combination of 4K, H.265, 10bit, 1" sensor and 100mbps bitrate is what makes the M2P broadcast standard across the world - no other drone below Inspire level offers that. So for those uses, you must shoot in 4K with DLog-M.
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From my experience ! Cropped 4K footage downscaled to 1080p looks a million times better than the Stardard 2.7k footage. In fact to my eyes the 2.7kfootage looks terrible & I never use it.
From my experience ! Cropped 4K footage downscaled to 1080p looks a million times better than the Stardard 2.7k footage. In fact to my eyes the 2.7kfootage looks terrible & I never use it.
really good to know! Which version of 4k do you typically shoot in?
I shoot everything in 2.7 60 fps. I have tried shooting in 4k but dont really see a difference when I downsize it to 1080 for you tube. I even mix some of my phantom 3 pro stuff at 1080 60 fps into my videos. I have the phantom 3 pro, phantom 4 obsidian and the mavic 2 pro. I use all at 60 fps
really good to know! Which version of 4k do you typically shoot in?
I don’t use the zoomed in option I hate it! Main reason is it tricks you in to thinking you’re Drone is closer to where it is so I keep it on the wide option & not the zoomed in HD.
I don’t use the zoomed in option I hate it! Main reason is it tricks you in to thinking you’re Drone is closer to where it is so I keep it on the wide option & not the zoomed in HD.

Actually the "zoomed in" (HQ) version is much closer to "natural perspective" (which means what you see with your unaided eyes at the very same location). Also, for almost all of my shots I had no need to correct for barrel distortion when using HQ mode.

I rarely use Full FOV - definitively not for scenery unless I am in close quarters and would like to have a bit of "wide angle" perspective.
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Actually the "zoomed in" (HQ) version is much closer to "natural perspective" (which means what you see with your unaided eyes at the very same location). Also, for almost all of my shots I had no need to correct for barrel distortion when using HQ mode.

I rarely use Full FOV - definitively not for scenery unless I am in close quarters and would like to have a bit of "wide angle" perspective.
To my eyes the HQ mode looks like a zoomed in perspective! I like the look of the wide view more From looking around the net looks like a lot of people feel the same as most vids I’ve seen are filmed in FOV , for example to get a full view of a castle in HQ you would have to be a good 600ft away from it ! That’s a pain the in ***, when with FOV you can be 200ft away & get the whole view. Just a personal view but I prefer the FOV mode over the HQ
I always shoot at FOV 4K 30FPS & use polarpro ND16 / 32 & shutter is at 1/60 I will adjust the F stop to get the right exposure from F2.8 - F8
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To my eyes the HQ mode looks like a zoomed in perspective! I like the look of the wide view more From looking around the net looks like a lot of people feel the same as most vids I’ve seen are filmed in FOV , for example to get a full view of a castle in HQ you would have to be a good 600ft away from it ! That’s a pain the in ***, when with FOV you can be 200ft away & get the whole view. Just a personal view but I prefer the FOV mode over the HQ

I agree with your example since when you focus on something like a castle the distant scenery is less important and the distance distortion resulting from wide angle is likely desirable. That is an example of what I meant with "close quarters" and I would choose FOV as well. I have a number of videos on my YouTube channel (Roamer105) shot in HQ where I am certain that some of them you may not expect to be shot in HQ.
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