I was flying (with Authorization up to 100' AGL) a week ago Sunday on the edge of airport property (a NFZ). For some reason my aircraft did take off and ascended as planned (as stated we had approval to fly up to 100'AGL). For some reason in the middle of the flight our "Authorization" expired and the aircraft (Mavic Platinum) literally stopped forward flight, hovered in place, and put a warning on the screen something like "You have entered a Restricted Zone. Aircraft will AutoLand in 10 seconds.....9, 8, 7, 6....." No option was presented to override or modify the landing process at all.
At the end of the count down the aircraft indeed initiated an AutoLand sequence and I 100% had no control what so ever. I could not change descent rate, move horizontally, or even yaw the aircraft around. Fortunately it was over clear terrain and merely landing in the middle of a dirt parking lot. It landed in a very small vertical column and powered down. If I were closer to the area (we were working in another state at the time) I would like to do some test flights to try and re-create this and take notes etc. I'm honestly relying completely on memory for this.
I've contacted DJI about how my AUTHORIZATION suddenly became invalid (it was opened in the software for 3 -days) and they can't explain it either.