There are certainly some like that, but others of us bridle at overly conservative zones and rules that don't contribute to safety, like the OP's case where RTH would have been perfectly safe. If his Mavic have been jailbroken he would have finished his flight and no one would even have know it had been there. Zero impact.
And today I flew at a local park and the Go4 app pops up a warning about an "airport" there. No, there is no airport. Looks like one of the fields is designated as an ad hoc helicopter landing zone for medevacs, etc. for the local high school or nearby major highway. If it were active it would be obvious from the first responders. I've lived across the street for 25 years and remember it being used like once. At least the app didn't keep me from flying.
Then even AirMap shows a 4 mile diameter "airport" (non tower) zone that technically impinges on another several hundred acre park where I fly. Could have fooled me. I have lived here 25 years and didn't even know it was there and i have NEVER seen any low level aircraft operations from what is a grass strip at someone's farm. I'm supposed to call them before flying my Mavic 4 miles distant? Sorry.