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Do we not need any sort of EMF protection from the RC?

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Uhhh..on point you really meant agreed 100% with you and kill the thread right...not agreeing or 100% comply with your point of view that = active ur bashing (EBF) condescending (ECF) mode. ok take a deep breath and look back how many family members or friends that slowly back out away from you, they just can't take on your EMF no more.

I was just like that, want to win any way I can..losing or being wrong it's not an option..for 30 years omg..but there is light that finally aligns my brain and heart, take the good and the bad.

show no respect, gain no respect.

all the best.
Can u say that again please,
Thanks for your interest. My awareness of radiation sensitivity started when I was ten years old, so my experiences could literally fill a book. My career was as a Television Broadcast Engineer, so I was exposed to many different types of EMR. A highlight of my study came in 1985 when I spent two weeks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. To say the least, it felt very different (and wonderful) to have zero man-made radiation for that length of time. This obviously is not the correct forum to go into more detail, but to answer your question, I used a device called an Acoustimeter to measure the radiation from the Mavic. I personally have never felt any radiation from the Mavic, which is the reason that I said I was surprised to get a high reading.
Use it and sit around a Wind turbine ,The Accoustics (sound Waves) are sure to make you ill. The "global warming" left have alot to answer in this respect
The OP may just be sensitive to electronics. I know a person who basically can't go anywhere because cell phones make her sick - she can tell if you have one and whether it's powered on or not.
I don't believe this at all.
EMF is real,but I don't think I'd worry too much about the MP RC putting out too much!
Of course EMF is real.

So are atoms. And electrons.

What is not real is any clear, established health risks from EMF. There's plenty of conjecture, and claims out there. But then there is plenty of conjecture and claims about the healing power of mineral crystals too.
Sure the drone itself, however the fact it can get so far away ( which we LOVE) and yet we can still get un-glitch quality of live streaming.
Is to my basic intuition all 3 major components the 1.drone, 2.satellite,3. RC is constantly trying its best to connect and be align with it counterpart while fight off other RF in the's has to be somewhat powerful.
Friend, I'm an EE also with a degree in physics. What you stated above (and in almost every post here) is simply nonsense born of ignorance.

You clearly are not a physician -- do you perform all your own medical care, including surgeries, based on your own intuition? Or do you accept that medical science is something you simply aren't educated about, and instead trust and rely on knowledge experts like physicians to understand health status and make treatment recommendations?

This situation is no different. I am an "expert" on the subject matter of this thread, the same as a physician is regarding the health and functioning of the human body. You are discussing things I know intimately, in great depth and detail, due to my education and vocation.

So, once again, the claims and assertions you're making regarding Electromagnetic Radiation are complete nonsense. You aren't even using the terminology correctly.

Why so many people wouldn't dare trust their health care to anyone but an expert seem to think they are physics experts perplexes me. In many ways, the latter is far less intuitive and bizarre, rendering people's "common sense" utter nonsense in terms of understanding reality.
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We've been getting bombarded by RF for so long that it's too late to worry about it.
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Question is, how about the input? what happens when you constantly command to a device that is 7 Km away from you ( less worries me ) the logic is if you handled your wifi router in our case RC that is constantly seeking to receive 10-20 setelite
And what is it, exactly, you think happens regarding those satellite RF transmissions and your body when you turn the RC and the aircraft off -- in your completely uneducated opinion?
More likely the ill feeling is due to loss of orientation caused by looking at the screen then up at the drone then back to the screen, etc. A bit like the feeling of travel sickness.
I would expect that with practice the sensations will fade. Perhaps shorter sessions with the drone are in order.
If you still suspect it's the RC that's causing it, switch to WiFi and control the drone using only your smartphone.
Yeah, that will get rid of the RF transmissions communicating with the aircraft that exposure is causing him to be sick. After all wifi connections don't use RF, right?

This is definitely a real thing. If people think the these waves aren't harmful then they are being mislead. This is why I won't get the Dji goggles for the signal radiation that is sitting right on ones head. There have been many experiments on even wifi signals which prove to be unhealthy. People for your own good health do some research on it. I too experience the same symptoms especially if I sleep by mistake with my cellphone on right next to me
Everyone, ignore this nonsense. Another person here with no background on the subject.
Okay, came into this late, and frankly because of my background it's really hard not to jump on every ignorant post about the topic that is being made here.

Those of you concerned about EMF exposure: Do you know what the sun radiates? Do you know how much EMF power is striking you from the sun when you're standing outside?

The energy from the sun that heats the earth is moved from the Sun to the Earth entirely by electromagnetic radiation. That EM is broad spectrum -- that means it consists of everything from radio waves, through IR, visible light, UV, on up to x-rays. So when you're standing outside, you are exposed to some low power of xray radiation from the sun, in addition to all that other EMF that's hitting you.

Sun feels warm, right? Very warm, yeah? Know what that is? EMF, in the light range of frequencies, powerful enough to heat your flesh when absorbed. The principle is exactly the same as a microwave, the only difference being frequency. Oh, and BTW, part of the spectrum of EMF you are absorbing from the sun includes microwaves.

So, all that said, here's the big enchilada: Solar incident EMF radiation is on average 1000 W/m^2 -- that's a kilowatt of EMF passing through or being absorbed by your body while outside in the sun (depending on frequency). And keep in mind that's the power at 93 million miles away from the source, where power falls off approximately as the inverse square of the distance -- double the distance away from the source, the power cuts to a quarter.

By comparison, the power of a cell phone is around a tenth of a watt at the source -- THAT'S 10,000 TIMES WEAKER THAN THE SUN.

Life on this planet evolved bathed in EM radiation from the Sun and all sorts of other cosmic sources. EMF intensity -- constant intensity -- many orders of magnitude greater than the miniscule signals we're using for our technology.

It has always been popular to be somewhat troglodyte regarding technological advances. There are always people fashioning themselves as the prophets of truth regarding these amazing advances. History is littered with countless examples no different than the sooth-sayers that are giving us THE TRUTH that scientists and industry barons are hiding to protect their profits.

It's all so much utter BS. But, believe it if you like... you only harm yourself by missed opportunity and improved standard of living.
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Another person into this subject late and must confess, I have not read any post other than first.

In my view, if my RC can send signals to my Mavic two mile away it simply must be beaming some unwanted **** the other way straight into me. I know this, I accept this, I fly my drone anyway.
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Okay, came into this late, and frankly because of my background it's really hard not to jump on every ignorant post about the topic that is being made here. So, I'll make this my last post, the point being to inform.

Those of you concerned about EMF exposure: Do you know what the sun radiates? Do you know how much EMF power is striking you from the sun when you're standing outside?

The energy from the sun that heats the earth is moved from the Sun to the Earth entirely by electromagnetic radiation. That EM is broad spectrum -- that means it consists of everything from radio waves, through IR, visible light, UV, on up to x-rays. So when you're standing outside, you are exposed to some low power of xray radiation from the sun, in addition to all that other EMF that's hitting you.

Sun feels warm, right? Very warm, yeah? Know what that is? EMF, in the light range of frequencies, powerful enough to heat your flesh when absorbed. The principle is exactly the same as a microwave, the only difference being frequency. Oh, and BTW, part of the spectrum of EMF you are absorbing from the sun includes microwaves.

So, all that said, here's the big enchilada: Solar incident EMF radiation is on average 1000 W/m^2 -- that's a kilowatt of EMF passing through or being absorbed by your body while outside in the sun (depending on frequency). And keep in mind that's the power at 93 million miles away from the source, where power falls off approximately as the inverse square of the distance -- double the distance away from the source, the power cuts to a quarter.

By comparison, the power of a cell phone is around a tenth of a watt at the source -- THAT'S 10,000 TIMES WEAKER THAN THE SUN.

Life on this planet evolved bathed in EM radiation from the Sun and all sorts of other cosmic sources. EMF intensity -- constant intensity -- many orders of magnitude greater than the miniscule signals we're using for our technology.

It has always been popular to be somewhat troglodyte regarding technological advances. There are always people fashioning themselves as the prophets of truth regarding these amazing advances. History is littered with countless examples no different than the sooth-sayers that are giving us THE TRUTH that scientists and industry barons are hiding to protect their profits.

It's all so much utter BS. But, believe it if you like... you only harm yourself by missed opportunity and improved standard of living.

You are actually the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about. People’s health is at risk and you’re making blind claims trying to compare the sun to man made radiation. You sounds like you work for a cellular mobile phone company.
Maybe you should read this and be schooled...
After a couple of month of extensive Mavic-Video watching and contemplating; my Mavic Pro has finally arrived; bought it just week before going on cruises for the very first time.(Alaska)

Flew the Mavic 3 days on the roll at a park near my house for a total flight time of 55mins. but for some odd reasons I started to feel a bit unwell the first night and more unwell the second and third night..something is just not right, physically and emotionally...I can’t think of anything that is different in terms of the food water and environment..that I consistently thrive with already, only thing new is my newest hobby and pride investment)

Fortunately, I’m all better, for now, did a bit of research, tried bare footing on the grass to release potential unwanted energy that I might have been exposing and absorbed; back to the earth. and have not flown the drone or uses the RC for more than 24 hours, note I also have not taken any sort medication to help with my symptom.

SO, how strong is the radio wave energy that is emitting when we use DJI remote control? DJI RC might be small but it sure came with big packages; once turn on it directly seeking to connect up to 20 satellite and allow us to monitor live HD video from 7km away. that’s Hella POWERFUL. note day one during the software update and calibration in my study..all wifi connection went dead as soon as the RC and Mavic are on..and wifi back to normal when both are turn off.

Do we not need any sort of EMF protection? Had I a feeling it’s stronger than a power on microwave; potentially to be even stronger than x-ray..maybe?(I really don’t know) I hope not..because all of us are most likely holding the RC up close to our face, chest, abdominal, and yes Holy reproductive area..can we be sure that there is nothing being cooked or fried more or less within us?

I’m not trying to scare anyone or bashing DJI in any way, I love the company and community. but years back those cell phone popping popcorn video sort of enlighting on this incidence all of a sudden for me at least.

I just think this would be a great topic and just as important if not more important to all the great reviews, flight technique, drone setting, post editing..etc… safety first right?
Do you carry a cell phone around with you? It's WiFi runs on the same frequency as the Mavic. I'm thinking that you might be suffering from eye strain (seriously). If you are not used to focusing on moving objects on your screen for long periods of time, or the ambient lighting has you straining to see the screen - it can make you feel nauseous.
You are actually the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about. People’s health is at risk and you’re making blind claims trying to compare the sun to man made radiation. You sounds like you work for a cellular mobile phone company.
Maybe you should read this and be schooled...
Oh, look, a website that looks like it was designed by a crazy person in 1997 that coincidentally happens to also be selling expensive merchandise to protects you from the very thing it's trying to make you afraid of. Like literal tinfoil hats. Seems legit.

But sure, that makes more sense than believing an actual, educated engineer and physicist.
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Oh, look, a website that looks like it was designed by a crazy person in 1997 that coincidentally happens to also be selling expensive merchandise to protects you from the very thing it's trying to make you afraid of. Like literal tinfoil hats. Seems legit.

But sure, that makes more sense than believing an actual, educated engineer and physicist.

Sure, stick your head in a microwave and tell us how you feel afterwards. The radiation Isn’t anything like the sun. Would love to see the video and I’m sure since you’re saying it’s completely fine, then I’m sure you’ll do it
The real people I worry about are the people who posted jokes and making fun of this person. Sad reality of the mean spirited world and cyber bullying

Some come up with verifiable, repeatable scientific evidence and controlled tests to prove the condition isn't made up. THEN it can be taken seriously. Hearsay and placebo effects are strong hence needing scientific method before making outlandish claims.

Also, anyone who gets offended or "bullied" by something they read online can simply ignore it, not read it online or man up and realise that in the real world not every person agrees 100% with you all the time and they have a right to state they disagree - especially more spurious claims. In short, not being a snowflake. Maybe invest in one of these: Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

The mavic RC puts out roughly 400mW FCC and 100mW CW. The average microwave puts out 1,000,000mW......Thats quite a difference. Given how low powered the mavic transmitter is, it says a lot about how good the protocol is that it allows operation over these sorts of distances at all. Its remarkable what it can do with a low output.

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