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Fake GPS + Android 8 + Mavic Air


Jan 18, 2018
Well, I have a problem. Nokia 6 + Android 8.0 + Mavic Air. Despite running Floater (Fake GPS), clearing the cache (Floater), setting the default GPS in the programmer options on Floater, Dji Go 4 can not see the fake location. Important! The dot of my location indicates the current, right position, but blinks. If I move the map away in Dji Go 4 it is obvious that once the dot appears in the US, once in Poland. After turning off, clearing the cache, etc. I enter eg in Google Maps and what's interesting, instead of the correct position I have ... fake location. I can not return to my original location. Any suggestions?
I am trying to find the answer to the question of what might be the reason that it does not work. Unless you do not know what I am writing about, I will explain it a little differently. I'm trying to go into FCC mode. In Poland, the restriction imposed on the drone causes not so much the problem with the range (let us stay even within the limits of the law) what a problem with the operation of the vision, which can be broken off immediately. Changing to FCC and so using fake GPS solves not one problem associated with it. Is this a problem for you?
I think it should work but if you spoof it to somewhere else and it loses connection it might try to fly there. I used to play Pokemon go and I used the fake gps and when I went to fly my drone I forgot to turn it off and it was showing me somewhere else. I brought it down and reset my gps because I had the fear of it trying to rth to that point.
I am trying to find the answer to the question of what might be the reason that it does not work. Unless you do not know what I am writing about, I will explain it a little differently. I'm trying to go into FCC mode. In Poland, the restriction imposed on the drone causes not so much the problem with the range (let us stay even within the limits of the law) what a problem with the operation of the vision, which can be broken off immediately. Changing to FCC and so using fake GPS solves not one problem associated with it. Is this a problem for you?

No - not at all. I was mainly checking that you were only trying to spoof the app location, and it sounds like the Go app is ignoring the default. I'll check that on one of my devices.
Hi, I had this issue when I used Xcode on an iPhone to spoof the gps on Go 4. It continually showed my location on Go 4 as my current location and the spoof location on google maps. I eventually got it to work by force quitting Go 4 and opening it up again.
Użyłem Floatera - problem dotyczy tej aplikacji. Kiedy użyłem fałszywego GPS, DJI GO został poprawnie umieszczony na nowej mapie i lokalizacji. Wydaje się, że problemem była aplikacja + np. Nowy android. Większość ludzi w Polsce używa Floater.
Jak pisałem, nasze prawo niestety wprowadza wiele ograniczeń i jest to zrozumiałe, ale nie mogę zrozumieć, dlaczego zasięg jest ograniczony, ale całkowita moc sygnału, która powoduje przerwanie widzenia lub połączenia nawet przy odległościach równych 100 200 metrów. Czasem mniej.
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