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Have you experienced a Karen, male or female?

Was you kaaren Male Or female?

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Sep 12, 2023
Talk about next door nightmare Male Karen used to go mental when all I used to do was take off out from garden, then immediately fly 250m away and take some wicked shots of a castle near me.

He came knocking once, having only moved In a few months ago, and me being here 25 years, maybe he would act the big man, pass..but he was peed off.

"I want to speak to you about your drone" he said

"Can't you go f*** off up the forrest and fly (which is few miles from me)

I did something totally out of character for me, especially when some stranger acts the bigman.

In a totally calm, relaxed tone I basically went through all the usual about the weight, the rules etc, but all he could say Is "we are not getting anywhere here, are we!" and he would walk off.

BUT, EVEN more unusal for me, I tried to maintain the conversation EVEN AFTER he said... "What about my naked kids In the back garden In summer?" and "What about when me and my wife are getting to bed"

I was blown away, but still kept 100% calm and said "Mate, I'm not being funny, but 1: I ain't no perv or pedo, 2: I always take off from the front, go straight up to 100m, then off to the castle.

all he could say was "you are Just not getting It are you, we are not getting anywhere here"

STILL, I did my best to explain the rules and even offered him my Operator ID and Flyer ID and the number for the CAA, but no matter how hard I tried, no Joy.

Guess what he said?

"We are not getting anywhere here, are we"
followed by "If I go on google maps and even see so much as the roof or any of my house, I am going to report you"

I felt like saying, "well, best you go report Google Maps, Bing, Google Earth, Street car etc etc etc", but I didn't

I just gave up and offered him the number for the local police and Aviation Authority, but he stormed off, so I gave up and kept doing what I was doing, flying at the castle, 100% legal and ain't heard from him In months.

I see him few times a week, as he lives right next door to me, tried to say hello a few times, but he Ignored me.

Ah well, I did try.

Any one else ever experienced any Karens? male or female?

That was my first EVER and still I'm shocked how cool, calm and collected I was.

The old me, when he mentioned the kids nude In summer bit, I would have gone from 0-100 in a split second.

Matt (now got air 2s and enjoy traveling to the ocean and castles etc etc here In the UK.

I give them a piece of paper with the local sheriffs name and number For some reason the actual number not 911 will sometimes calm them down a bit.
I also inform them that I will work with their concerns- BUT "I'm flying here Today like it or not"
If that does not work it's Police time -Life is too short to engage in tit for tat arguements with someone who already has the mindset of being the defender of the public good.
Male or female its always the same- They think they are right and all the arguments in the world and sometimes even smiling and giving in a little,-Won,t change their minds. -I'll just let the people I pay my taxes too deal with it!

NOW keep in mind that's when I am flying Part 107-If I am flying recreational usually I will just pack up and move on if the situation becomes hostile,- It seems more karens are created when you throw on your goggles?!
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Last fall I found a clearing to launch my Mavic Pro v1 to capture the beautiful leaves and venture over the trees to the lake. Went straight up to 150'. Started video and was getting some great video when I heard a car door slam behind me. Karen started yelling that I can't fly that thing here and take pictures of our children. I looked one in sight.. I know the area. I asked her if they were up in the trees? The two of us were alone.
I did not offer the the facts of flying drones. Not worth it.
I think the problem may be that these Karens have heard about the perverts with drones and think we are all the same.
Four times, two couples and two women. Two were basically shouting from the distance, one went psycho with the car yelling at me and then went full throttle near my location (I didn't even notice at the begining) and the last one was doing yoga on a cliff and saw me with the drone in the hand, and said that she was going to change the clothes in the car and I was like ok, thanks for the info. 🤷‍♂️
Not with the drone. Folks have either ignored the drone or are genuinely interested. Gotten a lot of complements on my flying. One woman hung out for awhile and watched the controller over my shoulder. Did have an experience with a camera and a psycho woman once. I just walked away. I didn't want that thing near me.
This topic has been batted around several times in the last year or so. Once again we'll probably see a collection of youtube videos from attention-seeking guys who could have just walked away from a situation but stayed to incite a fuss and capture it on video.

This brings to mind a sign I saw in a coin-op laundromat in Seward, Alaska. There was a list of dos and don'ts that ended in NO WHINING!
You don't include an option for 'Both' in your poll. I have been approached by male and female complainers: males about the noise; females about spying.
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That's so funny about him thinking you're the one who puts his house on Google Earth via Google Maps :) ...rather than Google doing that! And as if his house roof isn't already out there for the world to see thanks to Google, and satellites, not to you or any other drone operator! Some people are so funny! It's a kind of magical thinking. "He has a drone therefore he must be the one that puts the earth up on the internet...."
Just use "it".
Why does their gender matter i.e. why the poll on their gender?

Don't know that it matters, but it is an interesting datum in the bigger picture. Just like their age... irrelevant, other than simply a matter of interest to some.

I trust that's not a problem in some way?
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I think the problem may be that these Karens have heard about the perverts with drones and think we are all the same.

I think a more accurate analysis is they've heard of baddies, and w.r.t. you, they don't know.

I really don't think people are assuming your a pedo simply because you are flying a drone.
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  • Haha
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someone on our local facebook posted they found a lost drone I asked if it was mine and I got some pretty nasty comments on face book this morning. One guy saying he knew I was a douche bag fly around his house looking in his windows and stuff and how he's gonna shoot down my drone and another women saying she was going to shoot it down too.. I assured them it wasn't me and I posted the FAA laws and punishments for messing with drone. The guy wrote back said he didn't care about the laws and the women said Boo Hoo
someone on our local facebook posted they found a lost drone I asked if it was mine and I got some pretty nasty comments on face book this morning. One guy saying he knew I was a douche bag fly around his house looking in his windows and stuff and how he's gonna shoot down my drone and another women saying she was going to shoot it down too.. I assured them it wasn't me and I posted the FAA laws and punishments for messing with drone. The guy wrote back said he didn't care about the laws and the women said Boo Hoo
Dumped FaceBook a long time ago. It's a breeding ground for character defects and psychos.
Oh I absolutely agree. But seeing my neighbor told me someone found a drone I went on town page to see about it.
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someone on our local facebook posted they found a lost drone I asked if it was mine and I got some pretty nasty comments on face book this morning. One guy saying he knew I was a douche bag fly around his house looking in his windows and stuff and how he's gonna shoot down my drone and another women saying she was going to shoot it down too.. I assured them it wasn't me and I posted the FAA laws and punishments for messing with drone. The guy wrote back said he didn't care about the laws and the women said Boo Hoo
You need to find a better crowd of Facebook friends. And block those two.
Its towns facebook page we can't block only post not my friends believe me
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