I've never had this issue until buying DJI products. It seems common practice for DJI and most vendors to send packages via FedEx Home, direct signature required, with no alternate delivery options enabled. This is absolutely infuriating because no normal adult is home in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday (Home only delivers Mon-Fri), so how on earth am I supposed to sign for a package? They also intentionally disable the option to have FedEx leave the package a branch location to be picked up at the buyer's convenience. That means the only remaining option is to "schedule" a time window... which is a ridiculous four hour period of either 8am-12pm or 12pm-4pm. So I'm supposed to do what, take a day off from work and sit home for an entire afternoon or morning to wait to sign for a $170 battery, while USPS leaves my $2000 laptop on the porch without a signature no problem?