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Is what DJI does with the Mavic legal?

.... the issue is how they are going about doing what they are doing and that they not only have the ability but are willing to use it to significantly alter your product after you purchased it to something vastly different from the features they advertised you would enjoy when you bought it. THAT is the problem...
Taking this to the limits... with such abilities to control their products remotely (for example by asking users to sign in before each flight), one could imagine that the worse case scenario given a reason DJI could ground every and all sold drones around the world at any desired moment... how does that sound as an eventuality?
Does it sound like a conspiracy theory? Maybe... but given that drone phobia around the world I would not be surprised to see it happen...
However that isn't the point of the present post...
Was thinking about this for the past couple days. I updated f/w and Go4 after the notification thinking that the mandatory update couldn't be skipped. I WAS more interested in the fixed wing mode.honestly. But as I was driving around the province yesterday I came across a pretty decent place I thought to shoot some vid. Pulled over walked a little ways and started my launch process. LMAO, had no idea I was smack in the middle of a NFZ until power up Yeah it seems restrictive but I'm kinda glad The app had more sense than I did. 5 minute drive and there was better scenes anyways. Still not overly excited about forced updates though.
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Taking this to the limits... with such abilities to control their products remotely (for example by asking users to sign in before each flight), one could imagine that the worse case scenario given a reason DJI could ground every and all sold drones around the world at any desired moment... how does that sound as an eventuality?
Does it sound like a conspiracy theory? Maybe... but given that drone phobia around the world I would not be surprised to see it happen...
However that isn't the point of the present post...
That would be suicide for not only DJI but any company. I couldn't see any company doing something like that. At least not voluntarily.
That would be suicide for not only DJI but any company. I couldn't see any company doing something like that. At least not voluntarily.
I agree. However a partial lockdown say in a region where drone flying is deemed unwanted is easy... After all who is to verify?
That would be suicide for not only DJI but any company. I couldn't see any company doing something like that. At least not voluntarily.

I think once the sh1t storm has quieted down and DJI rolls out two or three more updates I think they will slowly start to roll out the broad based Geo Locking that they have implemented.

China was the first, I think Belgium, Israel and Egyptian pilots will be the next wave to get all the restrictions put on their drones. The last will probably be Canada because by then people will accept the fact that they cannot do anything about it. When the USA starts to pass Drone laws through congress I suspect within 24 hours of a laws passage your drone will get the updated and limit itself to comply.

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Ok I have a question that is bothering me for some time now...

When I ordered my Mavic I did so evaluating its abilities and reading and watching all the promotional videos of the company regarding its performance.

Now after a couple o months DJI asks for a forced firmware update that could restrict the Mavic even more and all that without my consent....

So here is the question. Can DJI do that? Take away abilities for which I have payed and which were decisive in my initial decision to go for the Mavic? Can they simply say "if you do not do what i say ill cripple the product you bought"?
Can they really legally change a product to something inferior to what I bought and get away with it?

Or is there a way to get them to refund me (and all users for that matter) the difference in dollars between the Mavic and a drone that can simply fly 50m away 30m up and has no cam costing a couple of bucks?
I smell Class Action Lawsuit, call the ROCK?!?!?!?!
As shown by the many people that have chosen to remain running .400 and not update their GO4 app because they are happy with the function and stability of it there isn't any reason to change it. The only reason I could see for a "forced" update is if you updated the device you were using and the device no longer supported the old GO4 app version.

The Mavic uses android KitKat I believe, my phone is running Nougat, how many different versions of android are floating around out there? All android apps do not run stable on all android devices. I've had apps more than once that would run on my Galaxy Tab but not on my HTC phone or the other way around. With Android you also have the issue of bloatware from the service provider unless the device has been rooted.

Bashing technology you (not you specifically) don't understand and making unsubstantiated claims about what a company is planning with absolutely no proof of it is ignorant.
As shown by the many people that have chosen to remain running .400 and not update their GO4 app because they are happy with the function and stability of it there isn't any reason to change it. The only reason I could see for a "forced" update is if you updated the device you were using and the device no longer supported the old GO4 app version.

I fully agree with you however people can not go back even though all the earlier GO and GO4 apps are still available.
Why cant the people have the same option with the FW ??????? Can you explain this ???

The Mavic uses android KitKat I believe, my phone is running Nougat, how many different versions of android are floating around out there? All android apps do not run stable on all android devices. I've had apps more than once that would run on my Galaxy Tab but not on my HTC phone or the other way around. With Android you also have the issue of bloatware from the service provider unless the device has been rooted.

True the Mavic does use Android KitKat , Have you ever stopped to think that the company uses it because its easy to develop and manipulate ????? Do a search, read ??? This is why they don't use Apple !!!! The app will work only on older Android platforms (5.5 to 6.0.1) Proven with a newer Faster Android device..... I don't know about you but I prefer to dedicate a device if it's being used for an RC Hobby . I don't want to hear is still under development , If I want to fly in airplane mode I have a RC planes for that besides my Planes are more maneuverable then just bank turning and dives ,,,, Try a RC plane you'll like it better , I bet .
I don't know may be your the type that wants to take phone calls or surf the interweb while you fly your $1000+ RC craft ????

Bashing technology you (not you specifically) don't understand and making unsubstantiated claims about what a company is planning with absolutely no proof of it is ignorant.

Im not bashing technology However if you knew about technology you would know it can go both ways Good and Bad Not knowing this is Ignorant .... Updating a device with no clear understanding is ignorant .... I can only go by what DJI says and to me its very unclear an the way its going it dosent look to good , still all the same problems with more updates that fix one problem then Skew another that had no problems before ..... Mybe your missing all this?????? Who is really befitting from the Updates , do you know how many there has been??? No Proof ??? where does all this point . DJI didn't become a Multimillion dollar company for having a lack of communication that some claim . You sound like one of there Employees , if you are ask your superiors if what Im saying Can Not be True ???
I hear DJI firmware contains expiration dates. Simply not updating my work for a while but my understanding is that sooner or later you'll have to update. If I find one additional restriction, all 3 DJI products will be destroyed on video and sent to DJI in a box. I have a Typhoon H as well and don't have these silly issues.
Yeah, I've heard that too, from no reliable sources at all. It's sweeping DJI discussions like a virulent flu.

Don't believe it. I certainly don't. That would be the sort of thing that actually could get DJI in legal hot water.

No, they don't need to do anything sneaky (and fraudulent) like that to get wide penetration of new firmware. They simply need to make it compelling to upgrade. And they do that all the time.
Meaning that DJI sold him a faulty device knowingly.
Yup. You find that outrageous?

Man, you must live a very unpleasant life, as the exact same is true for every car you buy, television, PC, heart pacemaker, 3D printer, All-in-one Fax/Print/Scanner, clothes dryer, bottle of Liquid Plumber, 5-gal bucket, and on and on and on and on and on.
"He can continue to use the product he purchased, just as he purchased it, with the bugs". And you find that normal and legal....
I sure do. It's the world we live in. Further, any reasonable person that ponders the issue for a minute or two understands that that i the only way it can possibly be.

Perfection in everything is not possible, so it is nuts to expect it. As complexity of the object at hand increases, the probability of perfection decreases -- rapidly.

Put differently, nothing of high, complex technology is ever, EVER shipped without any defects/bugs at all. In fact, it has known bugs -- defects the manufacturer knew about, stuff that didn't work right, and they shipped it knowing this!!!!!


If you've bought a car in the last 10 years (probably more like 30) this is also 100% certainly true.

And what's more, manufacturers don't fix all of them!
No of course not. But I also do not expect the company that sells it instead of remeding for the bugs to force me to install a new software and accept new TOS that restricts the devices abilities...
Sometimes. Because sometimes they do.
Posts that consist of "I have an android device and I have a problem"?

My Mavic/Android "problems" were the following:

1) When I first got my Mavic my phone disconnected several times during my initial flights. I of course got irritated but went right to google. I was directed to this site and the DJI forum. On both forums I read a whole bunch of complaints where people were asked questions they never responded to in the thread. One was if they had tried a different cable from the controller to the device. I did and it was better. So not the fault of the hardware or firmware.

2) Started having disconnect problems with just my phone again. Started reading the Forums again and found that people had problems with app notifications causing disconnects. Disabled notifications and made sure I force stopped a couple of apps before starting GO4 and haven't had a problem since.

I'm not saying there are not people out there having legitimate issues but dealing with tech for a long time I've seen a lot of problems that are operator error caused by clicking yes when no should have been clicked or allowing or disallowing an app the permission it either should or shouldn't have.

1) When I first got my Mavic my phone disconnected several times during my initial flights. I of course got irritated but went right to google. I was directed to this site and the DJI forum. On both forums I read a whole bunch of complaints where people were asked questions they never responded to in the thread. One was if they had tried a different cable from the controller to the device. I did and it was better. So not the fault of the hardware or firmware.

It was never your cable... The Cable is the first step being read off a trouble shooting Cue card , very far from a solution as you found out .

2) Started having disconnect problems with just my phone again. Started reading the Forums again and found that people had problems with app notifications causing disconnects. Disabled notifications and made sure I force stopped a couple of apps before starting GO4 and haven't had a problem since.

This is going to happen with Apple or Android you just happen to learn it when you were using your Android device .
Try leaving your notifications and background apps running with Apple ?? You will soon find out you will have the same problems as Android .

I'm not saying there are not people out there having legitimate issues but dealing with tech for a long time I've seen a lot of problems that are operator error caused by clicking yes when no should have been clicked or allowing or disallowing an app the permission it either should or shouldn't have.[/QUOTE]

You never seen any Threads saying that Android 7 has issues (still does) and if you downgraded your device and put it in airplane mode
all your above complaints would disappear ????? Guess not .
If or when you downgrade your Android device ,try it and if it does not work you can come back here and call me Ignorant again
Talk about Bashing technology ???
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In following this discussion it's difficult to determine which post to reply. Having read all the posts so far there's nothing I can add that hasn't already been said. Except to say that after reading this link:
Drone Found in Arms Bust… Spells New Options for Terrorists
Homebrew Terrorism Is Getting Smarter... 1 New Thing Found in Arms Bust
...I have concluded that DJI is being pressured by the government to ensure as best they can to reduce the potential threat that sub-humans can use this technology against the innocent. No need to elaborate on who these sub-humans are other than to say they're here to stay and our country, freedoms, and technology will suffer the consequences. On another note, after giving up on my 3DR Solo the MP has performed flawlessly with a few owner/operator errors. Will continue to fly using its present firmware until such time the sub-humans and the government make it impossible...which seems to be the handwriting on the wall...

DJI is being pressured by the government ?????
Do you have proof of this or is this just to put Fear into people like the Sept. 11 incident to where the Gov. rammed the Patriot Act
up there own peoples wazoo's to only be used and abused against them ??????
Ill tell you a little secret .... theres nothing you can do if it's going to happen it's going to happen
Terrorism can never be stopped it is a war that will never be won, on both sides !!
The only thing you can do is keep your eyes and ears open , if you see something happening
right in that instant , either Run to call the police and by the time they arrive The nasty bastards have already done there dirty deed or You can Fight to Stop them and maybe save a life while your at it ....... You won't see me calling DJI ????;)
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Taking this to the limits... with such abilities to control their products remotely (for example by asking users to sign in before each flight), one could imagine that the worse case scenario given a reason DJI could ground every and all sold drones around the world at any desired moment... how does that sound as an eventuality?
Does it sound like a conspiracy theory? Maybe... but given that drone phobia around the world I would not be surprised to see it happen...
However that isn't the point of the present post...

You win the award for the biggest troll thread I've ever read. WTF with all the conspiracy theory bs. You bought a drone, it works. If it doesn't send it in for warranty service. You USE, not own the dji app. This app is frequently updated and also requires periodic updates to firmware of the drone. If this isn't agreeable to you don't update our don't use their app, plenty of third party apps or there. Do you also sit around pondering the injustice of windows 10 not being compatible with your 20 year old PC? Exactly what kind of nefarious **** is Microsoft up to with that... After all you bought it. And how exactly would your drone be bricked if you DIDN'T do any updates. If you never went online and never updated nothing could "brick" your done, unless....... Lee Harvey Oswald shot it down and then John Wilkes Booth, who was in fact hiding in the grassy noll with the magic bullets, plugged your mavic into your 20 year old PC, which is still running Windows 98 because of some more nefarious Microsoft ****, because if you updated surely your PC would rise up and strangle you in your sleep or renig on some DEAL, and updated your firmware..... SIGH
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I wasn't going to update, was enjoying flying my drone with the version I had on a river rafting trip this weekend until my wife thought she was doing me a big favor by hanging my life vest (which was high and dry on the river bank) with my iPhone in the pocket on the seat of my raft letting about a quarter inch of the pocket hang in the water drowning my iPhone, so I had no choice but to download the app to HER phone when I got home and the only problem I see is that a false restricted area that I battled all winter with them over finally getting them to reclassify it is once again back! It comes and goes with every other update, Two private runways that are no longer used and are so grown up with trees that an airplane couldn't land there anyway very close to my house. I'm not too disappointed if that's all I've lost. Was still able to set my altitude to 500 meters.
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Wow you guys are all beyond the rainbow. Why would DJI help or aid any government in "grounding" a country of drones?

This update was only to find a way to ensure that THE GOVERNMENT imposed NFZ's are being applied properly. Many were getting inaccurate NFZ warnings and grounding their drones. This allows all users to have real time and correct information to turn on or off this flight restriction.

You guys are seriously blowing this change out of the reality.

DJI is one of the most successful companies in front world right now. They are not going to do anything to hinder their growth. However they are trying to balance between the customers rights and the public safety issues that are very real.

The update came and went with no issues!
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Wow you guys are all beyond the rainbow. Why would DJI help or aid any government in "grounding" a country of drones?

This update was only to find a way to ensure that THE GOVERNMENT imposed NFZ's are being applied properly. Many were getting inaccurate NFZ warnings and grounding their drones. This allows all users to have real time and correct information to turn on or off this flight restriction.

You guys are seriously blowing this change out of the reality.

DJI is one of the most successful companies in front world right now. They are not going to do anything to hinder their growth. However they are trying to balance between the customers rights and the public safety issues that are very real.

The update came and went with no issues!
That is not the issue here in this post. The issue here is. IS IT LEGAL what DJI does.
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