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Mavic new Pilot, Few problems and questions....


New Member
Jan 5, 2017
Hello Everyone
I'm obviously a new Mavic Pilot, and new on this forum and I have few questions and problem around it, I try to find my answer on this amazing website but I didn't :
- I can not connect my Iphone with a regular Iphone cable via the classic usb under the remote, It will be perfect to fly with a VR goggles but the connection do not work ? anyone got a tricks ?
- I fly in the mountains so I need to go high, not far, not high from the ground but high in altitude, with DJI Go App I can go at 500 meters height, everybody says that I can unlock the height restriction with Litchi, but it's the same thing, I can not go over 500 meters.
- I get battery alert in Sport mode.
- Cinématique mode, I do not understand how the focus works in this mode.

otherwise I'm very happy with this drone, best one I ever had....
Thanks for anyone who will take time to help and answer my problems

..- I can not connect my Iphone with a regular Iphone cable via the classic usb under the remote,... anyone got a tricks ?
Unplug the upper USB cable from the side of the remote first. You cannot even have a disconnected lead in the upper port as doing so disables the lower one data use.

Kikinen said:
- I fly in the mountains so I need to go high, not far, not high from the ground but high in altitude, with DJI Go App I can go at 500 meters height, everybody says that I can unlock the height restriction with Litchi, but it's the same thing, I can not go over 500 meters.
You cannot flight any higher in Litchi that in you can DJIGo. the firmware prevents this very sensibly. Climb to a higher point before you launch. Alternately get your self a drone that is designed, certified and legal to fly above 500m AGL.
Kikinen said:
- I get battery alert in Sport mode.
Fly slower or switch back out of sports mode
Kikinen said:
- Cinématique mode, I do not understand how the focus works in this mode.
Someone else can answer this as I have not used it.

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