imho the best chance you would have with DJI accepting any fault, is if the Mavic itself were retrieved and the logs from the aircraft could be evaluated for possible failures or anomalies that led to your loss. Only the info until the point of connection loss are available on the remote. The logs you have provided so far just show there was a loss of GPS connection, and because it was no longer visible to you, you were unable to continue flight in ATTI mode to reestablish GPS connection and/or land the aircraft safely. So the Mavic would then have to resort to failsafe RTH, which has a lot of potential for failure if the correct RTH height isn't set, and if the forward vision sensors were not activated etc. It wouldn't hurt to get DJI involved if you can't find it. I believe more detailed data can be obtained from the remote, and DJI will request that info be provided to them to try to determine what happened.