I can think of two reasons:
- You're giving control of your drone over to sensors that have been proven to fail.
- In "Follow Me" mode, most likely you (the PIC), are engaged in an activity, be it biking, running. driving or whatever - that requires YOUR attention to navigate yourself.
Thus; precisely at the time you as the PIC, should be monitoring the autonomous flight of your aircraft, you're engaging in an activity that
reduces the attention you can afford to monitor the progress of the autonomous flight. Both of these reasons compound each other.
And yeah, the 'what ifs' can come and I will say the same. Like
'what if you have a dedicated/experienced pilot to monitor the automation while you ride your bike through the woods?'
You're still relying on split second recognition of the failure of one or more of the sensors to pick up the tiniest little branch or twig by your pilot, starring at a 6 inch monitor. I mean if you're watching a screen of a drone flying through the woods, dodging
most of the little branches - how hard is it to see the one in-a-million little twigs, it won't dodge?

Spoiler Alert: Nigh impossible!
This will hold true in all but a few scenarios where one is using Follow Me mode. Even in wide open spaces where the drone doesn't have to dodge things - you're still relying on sensors and automation that is not "thinking" even though these days lots of folks like to dream these cheap drones are.