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I'm fairly new as well but you have come to the right place to learn new things. Everyone I've met so far has been pretty cool and there is a wealth of Mavic and general UAS knowledge available here
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Welcome to the forums! I'm based in West Jordan, Utah. Lots of great places to fly here in our state. Just subscribed to your channel. You've got some nice scenery in your videos. I'm a little jealous that you're so close to all that great red rock country down there.
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Welcome to the forums! I'm based in West Jordan, Utah. Lots of great places to fly here in our state. Just subscribed to your channel. You've got some nice scenery in your videos. I'm a little jealous that you're so close to all that great red rock country down there.
I live in Vernal. I mostly go around Uintah Basin. There are so many things to see around here. :)
Welcome to the forum! :)
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Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . :)
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Hi! I have only been to the Dewey Suspension Bridge about a month ago. I never really had the time to use it in more areas. This was about a month or two ago. I plan to go back. :) Bridge
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I found this website trying to learn new things. I'm new to flying. I have a Mavic Air. YouTube Follow Utah
Welcome from St. Augustine, FL! I made a quick stop at your YouTube site and saw your brief "Strawberry" flight. I used to do a little bit of travelling for my company to train new account managers and stayed a few days in Salt Lake City (2008). On conclusion of training, we rented a float boat and did some trout fishing on Strawberry Reservoir. Very beautiful...wished I was flying a drone in those days!
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Yeah, I always stop there. This was my first time seeing it in the Winter though. It was really neat. It was supposed to be a life video but by the time I got it to connect, the battery was dying. Don't you hate when that happens?
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I started flying Mavic Pro May, 2018. After spending $1200+ for drone, I wasn't going to spend another $xxx in order to get an I went through the gambit with connection issues!! Ugh!

The first "Fix" I found pretty quickly was when I learned that the DJI standard-issue USB cable is junk! Here's the one I use now:

Can't remember what you're flying, but here's a couple of basic suggestions that helped getting my disconnect issues worked out. If you're having trouble with initial connection assuming you're using an Android phone:
  • Shut down drone power
  • Shut down Controller power
  • Close DJI Go app
  • Go to Settings, select "Apps"
  • Go to DJI Go 4 App
  • Do a "force close"
  • Return to home screen
  • Turn Controller ON
  • Turn drone power ON
  • Your DJI Go 4 App should open and connection at this point should be OK.
Here's link to more Connection Issue solutions: Troubleshooting DJI GO Apps Connection Problems - DJI Guides
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