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Jan 28, 2018
I am semi new to this I have been flying my drone for awhile but I want to get into making money I already have my licences to fly it. I just want to know how much I should charge people, or how much others charge.
What are you offering for sale?
Like most things, it depends on where you are and what you offer. Check the local competition and unless you offer more value you have your price list.
I am the only person around where I am. I am from a small town in Wisconsin. I'm shooting farms, homes, business's.
I would still check the competition in an area that has some. That is what your prospective clients will be doing.
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I recently did 19 videos at 5 different sites for a survey company and charged €300 per site.
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Photos and videos with or without editing.
Great. What is your marketing plan? How are you going to meet your customers? If you are going to take shots and go to a craft show, that will command less money than if you are introduced at the country club.
Hi Braxton
I am in a similar situation as you. I'm from a small rural town in MN next door to you. I have the same question as you. I have done a few shoots but have not tried to sell anything yet. I don't know how to do private messaging here but if you do, I would enjoy visiting with you on this subject. Please try to contact me off of this site if you can.....thanks very much
This is a profession with skill set not everyone naturally has, so per hour a good estimate 100-500 per hour
I am the only person around where I am. I am from a small town in Wisconsin. I'm shooting farms, homes, business's.
seriously it's all based on demand, and what business you're working with. also, your quality makes a difference.
What is your idea of "nickel and dime". I'm only 21 years old and I'm about to get my license here shortly. To me $25-30 an hour or whatever it may be is ridiculuously high especially for something that I love doing.
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What is your idea of "nickel and dime". I'm only 21 years old and I'm about to get my license here shortly. To me $25-30 an hour or whatever it may be is ridiculuously high especially for something that I love doing.
When someone at a burger joint gets $15.00 p/h for flipping burgers then $25-$30 p/h for a skill like "DRONE" photography ( faa license, equipment, etc) seems very reasonable...good luck.
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i think whats being mentioned here is this wont be a full time job, u wont get 8 hours a day 5 days a week rich from it, photography and such is like trying to be a rock star, every one wants to do it, every one with a nice dslr and a few lenses wants to make a living, unfortunatly its not that way. if a customer approches u and wants some arial footage and is willing to pay then thats awsome but dont quit your day job haha, every one has a camera these days and drones are becomeing super popular. copy right your stuff if u feel its worth it and have fun flying if some one wants to pay u for flying gladly take thier money and smile,,,,,
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