It depends on laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.
I highly recommend a drone training/ licensing course as they do cover these topics. For me, it greatly increased my knowledge and confidence to enjoy flying knowing I’m in full compliance with the laws and regulations when flying.
They aren’t always simple and you may need to be licensed drone pilot to take these types of shots if posting online in your jurisdiction, regardless of the drone used. USA is different than Canada in that regard, if posting online.
Keep in mind that populated areas are higher risk flights with risk being defined as the potential for damage to the drone/public, non-participant escalations, privacy concerns, etc. so they take more planning.
You can legally fly a drone above most private owned land in Canada but pilots need to comply with horizontal distance regulations from people not involved in the flight (30 m) as a pilot without special licensing & permissions.
Lastly, to your question, in Canada, our privacy laws need to be complied with in taking photos/videos. I see nothing wrong with posting these shots from that perspective as they don’t identify individuals faces, licence plates, etc.