Why does this scream buckets of illegality to me I wonder, maybe something to do with buildings and altitude plus it's a go'**** City (with PRISON close by).
I get nervous flying on the perimeters of a village let alone a town/CITY.
Yes no interest in the s'ware! or other issues you express, Sorry!
Don't say it's in the name of art because Stupid ain't ART.
Okay I'll entertain you for a second, what's being close to a prison got to do with anything? What's the problem with altitude? Student accommodation is all empty at the moment, and the university buildings were all empty as it was around 5:30am. Who said anything about art? If you get nervous flying on the perimeter of a village you sound like an unconfident pilot that doesn't know how to control their aircraft, which I'd say makes you dangerous. Feel free to go check out my other videos on YouTube and bless me with your boring messages with your insightful opinion