Thanks for sharing that, Buttons. I have been curious as to whether those Titan or Atlas antennae are worth it and I like to hear the real scoop. I am interested in hearing how things progress, how the whip antennae affect things, how much more your range is affected, etc.
I have a pretty different scenario. I live in Dallas, TX, so it's totally flat, and the trees are never higher than about 50 feet, but there is a ton of city-type interference, and I have a Mavic Pro. I can sometimes get about 2 miles out before my signal bars get in the red and I get the video gets pixelated and I get nervous and turn around, and the concept of sitting in the comfort of my living room and flying farther out without worrying is appealing. But I was honestly hoping/thinking that a Titan system (or similar) would make a more significant difference.
I would seriously consider it if it could double my range, but it's probably not worth it to me if it only improves my range by 20-30%. But I'm sure my results would be different than yours given the differences in our terrain and the differences between the Air and Pro.
I also have to consider the fact that there isn't that much around me that's very interesting to film. All around me the only thing I can see is lots of Big City. If I get MORE range, all I get to see is MORE Big City. So it would really just be in an investment in my "range ego".
Do you mind if I ask what you've spent total so far on your Titan system?
Please continue to keep us posted in your progress, and Thank You.