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Master Airscrew Blades vibrating

I left them a phone message over the weekend and said that with this QA problem, their reputation is getting trashed. They NEED to provide an least on their website.
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Wrote to Master Airscrew 2 times, no reply for almost 2 weeks. Opened the case with PayPal yesterday and today it was confirmed by Master Airscrew and money was returned back. So I have 2 packs of bad props but at least money returned... We see if Master Airscrew fix the production and I will reorder again.
I definitely won’t be re-ordering again. Just flew two great sessions (six batteries) over the Australian coast with DJI MA2 stock props. They performed perfectly. Rock solid ??
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I definitely won’t be re-ordering again. Just flew two great sessions (six batteries) over the Australian coast with stock DJI MA2 stock props. They performed perfectly. Rock solid ??
If the production is improved, I will reorder. Any positive change in the noise is very welcomed. Here in EU I frequently fly close to small villages where the drone is gaining attention because of noise. Master Airscrew props are definitely better sounding for sure. Not a much, but still noticeably better.
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So I have been using MAS stealth props for several months with no issues. I have found them to be more fragile - clipping a twig with MAS props and they disintegrate, with DJI props they chip but don't shatter like the MAS props. Regardless I swap props as soon as ANY damage occurs so this isn't a deal breaker for me.

However yesterday I was out flying and noticed a pronounced wobble or vibration just after takeoff, I could hear the oscillating sound of the props as the aircraft shimmied and shook. I replaced the props with another set of MAS stealth props and it was exactly the same. Just after takeoff the hover was steady for a moment then the wobble started.

I initially thought it may be firmware related as I had just upgraded to V01.00.670 from V01.00.510 and this was the only difference from the last outing.

Anyhow on returning home I did some testing. Rolled back the FW to V01.0.510 and took the drone out with MAS props and hovered, there was the wobble, switched to another unused set of MAS props and still the wobble. Switched to DJI props and no wobble.

Upgraded the FW back to V01.00.670 and got the same results, wobble with MAS props no wobble with DJI props. SO that was the Firmware ruled out and the MAS props were the culprit, so why now after using the MAS props for months with no issues. Well it was -19 degrees C when I flew and noticed the issue and when I did the FW test it was -15 degrees C. So to test the temperature theory.

I set up the aircraft with room temperature DJI props and went outside in -15 deg C and hovered the aircraft for 3 minutes, no wobble. I went in and swapped the props for room temperature MAS props, went outside and hovered the aircraft, after only a few seconds the wobble set in. To confirm the temperature effect theory I took the aircraft inside and swapped the cold MAS props for a room temp set and hovered aircraft inside for 3 minutes, no wobble.

So I have come to the conclusion that the MAS props are not suitable for cold weather flying, DJI props work well at low temperature so I will be sure to get a couple of sets of DJI props for winter excursions.

Not sure why temperature would affect the MAS props and not the DJI props and I am not sure what the threshold for the MAS cold temperature wobble is, I have flown with the MAS props in -5 to -10 deg C and not noticed any issues at but -15 to -19 deg C I won't be using them!
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I’ve already posted on another continuing discussion on here about Master AirScrew. I got my props for my M2Z back in November, right out of the box I had a severe vibration warning on my controller. I also noticed a very fine crack on one of the blades, they are also not trimmed along the sides, very poor quality control from MAS. I contacted MAS by email and I’m yet to hear back. Sad, now I have $45 worth of garbage sitting on my desk.


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51 Drones just did a YouTube about receiving replacement orange props and says they are good now.
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I made the mistake of buying directly form response to emails, their satisfaction follow-up survey or multiple telephone messages . UGH!!!!!!
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I got this reply from MA within 24hrs the second time I emailed them.

”I’m very sorry about this issue and my late reply.

We have already replaced our production tooling and eliminated that problem.

Let me know, would you prefer to refund your order or a free replacement?

Please also note that since our production is overloaded, we will be able to ship out any replacements at the end of next week.

I'm looking forward to seeing your kind reply.

Thank you for your time!”

I opted for a replacement set as I still want the quieter props.
I was offered to return and get credit. Just sent email asking for free replacement of newly tooled blades. See what happens.
Besides having a "high" price, I can see from your comments that the quality department of that company has to be very bad, if there is such a department. That said, the LEAST RECOMMENDED for our MA2 are blades that make our birds vibrate, in addition to being dangerous, I remind you of the problem of cracks in the body of the drone, which many of us are detecting, these vibrations will make them grow more and destroy the entire body of the appliance.
3rd email sent to MAS via their website and still no reply after 4 days.
Amazing customer service.
I received the Orange replacements yesterday. I haven't installed and tried them on my MA2 yet, but the leading and trailing edges are much better but... I still see a slight bit of what I will call "flash" which may be within the process capability of the molding process and may function be just fine. I will post what I see when installed.
I'd love to have a "dynamic balancing" device so I could tweak them if needed, is there anything commercially available to do this??
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