I am sorry that you feel that way.
When the thread was first started, there was no flight log requirement.
When you first made the board, you were not asked for a flight log then.
After a few members applied for position, I then thought it best to then add the requirement.
When you entered your new flight range, that was when you were asked about your flight log.
Since issues are about being fair, I have officially removed the flight log requirement.
This will help speed up the process of members posting for position.
Just for the record, I left Dustin a PM requesting his flight log, however he never responded. It is also interesting that the video he posted was his first post.
Is it even really him?
Either way, my apologies to you for trying to make changes for a more accurate board.
I don’t want to remove you as you have earned your position.
Sometimes change is good, then sometimes not.
The board rules are back to what they were originally when posted.
No more unfairness and no more changes.