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Why Mavic Pro can't connect to PCs?



Closest thing to a smoking gun so far. Two Windows Event Viewer notifications below (Microsoft admits these are not always filed) seem to identify my Mavic Pro and Controller which remain unrecognized by my PC despite drivers and cord swappings — something of an epidemic, it seems. Let's assume these devices are my MP and Remote, the only new gear jacked in to my PC during an unsuccessful DJI firmware upgrade.

Do these notifications actually point to the cause of this awful issue? If so, what's the solution?

BTW, Windows did install DJI's PC driver, but finished with a pop-up labeling the driver "unnecessary." Win10's blindness to the MP and RC in need, of course. Windows — helpful as sunglasses on a mole.

From Windows Event Viewer...
Miniport Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2, {8dbc3ad3-6311-46af-b1de-92c3f15b6301}, had event Network Interface deleted while PNP Device still exists. Note that this event is provided for informational purpose and might not be an error always (Eg: In case of vSwitch which was recently un-installed or a LBFO team was removed)

Miniport Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device, {9c7687a2-7e70-47ca-99e6-901404329757}, had event Network Interface deleted while PNP Device still exists. Note that this event is provided for informational purpose and might not be an error always (Eg: In case of vSwitch which was recently un-installed or a LBFO team was removed)
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