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Would you buy a DJI aircraft with height and GeoZone limits if you had a choice?

Would you buy a DJI aircraft with height and GeoZone limits if you had a choice?

  • I would buy the “locked” aircraft if it is the same cost

  • I would buy the “unlocked” version if it is the same cost

  • I would the “locked” version even if it cost 10% more than the “unlocked” version

  • I would purchase the “unlocked” version even if it is 10% more than the “locked” version

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
Salt Lake City, Utah
There has been a lot of heated discussion on the forum recently about DJI’s GeoZone system and height limits and DJI actively markets these as features of their aircraft.

I wonder how many people would choose to purchase a “locked” aircraft if they had a choice? I wonder how many people would choose to purchase an “unlocked” aircraft if they had the choice? Would people pay more for one or the other?

This question doesn’t have anything to do with “what’s good for the community” I’m only interested in the choice you would make for yourself.

Assume you are at the DJI store ready to purchase your new drone and there is a choice of:

a “locked” aircraft(GeoZones and height limits are enabled like they now)


an “unlocked” version that has no GeoZones or height limits, it’s 100% up to the pilot to follow their local regulations.

Would you pay 10% more for either version?
You think anyone might pay extra for a locked drone? That seems to be a silly question?

We know people are prepared to pay more for unlocking.
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You think anyone might pay extra for a locked drone? That seems to be a silly question?

We know people are prepared to pay more for unlocking.
Haha I thought so too but DJI advertises it like it’s its valuable feature, I wanted to know if its actually is something that some desire.
There has been a lot of heated discussion on the forum recently about DJI’s GeoZone system and height limits and DJI actively markets these as features of their aircraft.

I wonder how many people would choose to purchase a “locked” aircraft if they had a choice? I wonder how many people would choose to purchase an “unlocked” aircraft if they had the choice? Would people pay more for one or the other?

This question doesn’t have anything to do with “what’s good for the community” I’m only interested in the choice you would make for yourself.

Assume you are at the DJI store ready to purchase your new drone and there is a choice of:

a “locked” aircraft(GeoZones and height limits are enabled like they now)


an “unlocked” version that has no GeoZones or height limits, it’s 100% up to the pilot to follow their local regulations.

Would you pay 10% more for either version?
I like the GeoZones. I don't want to fly where prohibited by the FAA. I sometimes fly in State Parks early in the morning when nobody is around. So many state parks around here often desolate. Such a waste of good flying space.
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There has been a lot of heated discussion on the forum recently about DJI’s GeoZone system and height limits and DJI actively markets these as features of their aircraft.

I wonder how many people would choose to purchase a “locked” aircraft if they had a choice? I wonder how many people would choose to purchase an “unlocked” aircraft if they had the choice? Would people pay more for one or the other?

This question doesn’t have anything to do with “what’s good for the community” I’m only interested in the choice you would make for yourself.

Assume you are at the DJI store ready to purchase your new drone and there is a choice of:

a “locked” aircraft(GeoZones and height limits are enabled like they now)


an “unlocked” version that has no GeoZones or height limits, it’s 100% up to the pilot to follow their local regulations.

Would you pay 10% more for either version?
Tested my drone with Tuesday, "the update" 100% successful. 25 Satellites and "other things" too checked Thank You!!
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In the same way that I’ve bought a region free DVD player in the past but never used that facility, I’ve taken the opportunity to modify the firmware of my drone. It doesn’t mean I’ll use the extra facilities, but I can if I want to.
I like the GeoZones. I don't want to fly where prohibited by the FAA.
But unfortunately DJI's geozones are of zero value to know whether a location is actually prohibited or not. So if you fly based on that you likely flew many times where you shouldn't have, and it prevented you from flying in places you could have.