ohhh that sucks!!! can you drive there? atv? or had to walk? also I am planning on re-testing the 15 dbi antennas and the 9dbi what height were you flying when you tested those?
ok after checking it over I am going to have to change the flight path. since I am pushing the batteries to the limit I need to find a better emergency landing spots. my "old" flight path has to many trees and is harder to access it if I need to. so with that being said the new flight path will be closer to a road so if I need to get the Mavic due to a emergency landing I will be able too!
I checked the new flight path with airmap and its looking good!
This will be the new flight path, still some trees but not as bad and "closer" to a road! just in case I have to do a emergency landing! then I can drive to the road and park car and walk out 200 feet or so and get the Mavic!
yes that's what I am doing to do too fly parallel to the road..as for better results I am not sure if I will or not d*** trees are killing me! lol if I could be above the trees that would really help! but my house is just a one story the thing is wait when there are leaves on the trees that's going to even make it worst