Thanks for the video!!! Well I did some tests today and to tell you the truth 15dbi or the 9dbi antennas wasn't much better then a stock antenna!!I will post more info within the next 45 mins I just got back in from is a cloudy day maybe that had an effect on this
this is what happens when ya get a dumb idea!!! I thought to myself hey lets land and take off over 1000 feet away!!!!! NOT realizing that a blade of grass tall enough to NOT let the motors start up so I couldn't take off!!! LOL I had to use the find my drone and it worked!!!! LOL Yup it was a nice walk!!!! NOT!!! barb wire fence torn my jacket!!! NOTE to self not do that again !!!! LOL.....the blue "dot" is me
ok here is the info on the 15 dbi omni antenna NO AMPS!! ...not very good YES I could of went higher but I am trying to keep the data the same so I will be trying to stick to the 150ish feet.. it is a cloudy day maybe that had something to do with it????? I am going by the HD ( video) signal not the Rx however the more I think about it maybe I should go by controller signal??? but I figure what good is it if you have controller signal but you cant see????
Here is the air data for that flight signal errors